Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

Here are some screenshots and images of the game.

I like

I need

If I saw wrecking ball, I'd just pick him up and hug him?

My comments about Zap: Oh, he's all washed up now!

I have Wreaking Ball!

i think
is really cute

I think Wrecking ball is a future hybrid of Yoshi and Kirby

In Chop Chop's preview video it souds like he said "Donut". >w<

The same with Whirlwind's and Double Trouble's

I like the music for Stealth Elf's character preview.

image 40:
trigger happy sais:
trigger happy sais:

I like Ghost Roaster

Dino-rang is super 10\10

Wrecking Ball is so cute :3
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And also playing with Spyro and Sparx is super fun.