Chapter 2: Perilous Pastures
Elements required for 100% completion:
Sunflower Ridge
Eon will introduce you to the concept of specialised areas. These will be clearly indicated in the top left corner throughout and Eon will mention it every single time you change area. What this all means is that the Skylanders of the matching element will do extra damage, the exact number of extra damage is a match to their Elemental Power stat. You don't have to pay any attention to this though, you'll do just fine with any Skylander you like.
Up ahead you'll find a key floating about in the middle of the path, there's also a tech gate on the right.
Bleating Highlands
Step into the bounce pad at the end of the bridge and then again up to the main event. You'll be introduced to a few Chompy Pods and some Drow Spearmen. The Chompy Pods will spawn Chompy after Chompy until you destroy them and the Drow Spearmen will attempt to hit you with their spears. Kill them all and then move down to the left where you should see a couple of bounce pads, drop down to them and move towards the screen.
You should see a line of coins going down, follow them down to another large area with a Chompy Pod in it. Kill that pod and use the bounce pad to jump up to the right where there's another Chompy Pod and another bounce pad. Go up again and then once more and you'll reach a Treasure Chest. From here you just use the pad to get back to the spot with two bounce pads. Use the left one to jump up to the location of the Present and its
Cowboy Hat contents.
Follow the coins down on the left and you'll bump straight into Stump Smash's "Waterlogged" Soul Gem.
Now pick up the key if you didn't before and unlock that gate. There's an incredibly simple turtle puzzle here, just push them both back two spaces and then use them as a bridge. Follow the path along and take the key, you'll spot another Drow Spearman at the gate all by himself. Once he's dead open that gate.
Fairy Ring
Destroy the Chompy Pod in the middle of the area to stop the Chompy spawning and then grab the Story Scroll over to the right. Go to the left side of the location and you'll see a turtle sitting in a wall. Push it through so that you can go around it, but then push it back into place so that you can use it as a bridge. This will cause a pair of Drow Spearmen to appear.
Once you've gotten rid of them simply walk up the steps on the right and cross over the turtle to get the key. Drop back down into the main area and open up the gate at the top end.
Now comes a choice, do you skip half the level and get the Legendary Treasure or do you complete the rest of the level and come back later for that Legendary Treasure? The choice is made simple if you don't actually have a Life Skylander.
Landing Deck
If however you do and you want to get it now then switch to that Life Skylander and approach the edge of the land to the left of the thatched house. This will cause a bridge to form which will let you walk over to an island ahead. From there just drop down off the side and collect the Legendary Treasure. Step on the round button to open the gate and you'll now be right at the end of the level. Just use the turret to smash the locks and you're away.
For those taking the normal path simply follow it around to the right, smash through a couple of barriers and, next to a turtle on the side of a cliff, you'll find a Treasure Chest. Shake it open and then push the turtle off the side. Follow it down and head towards that water gate you can see.
Ancient Stones
Here we find a more challenging block puzzle. Push the middle one onto the teleporter and then push both sides out once. Next push both the blocks to the sides of the teleporter down and finally push the block off the teleporter to the left.
You'll now be in the middle of the next part of the puzzle. Push the block to the right and then the block above that to the right too. Walk through the gap to collect a bit of money and then push the one ahead up. Push the one on your left down and then the one to the left of it now down too. Move into the gap and push the end one to the left and then the one at the end of the new gap forwards. Now finally push the one next to the teleporter up and out of the way.
Not done just yet though. Push the previous two blocks back into position and then use the teleporter. Up here you'll find a Treasure Chest (as well as a Scarecrow with lots of crows). Now, drop down to the left onto the blocks next to the teleporter you just used. Walk along the diagonal blocks all the way to the teleporter nearer the start up on the blocks. This one will take you to the
"Birthday Hat" Present.
The teleporter at the Present will take you back to the scarecrow, just drop down anywhere and go back through the whirlpool to the level.
Push the turtle along its path and down into the gap, now just wander along and drop off the little ledge into the final area.
Landing Dock
There's a trio of Drow Spearmen up ahead, kill them and two two Chompy Pods before jumping into the turret. Simply shoot each of the four padlocks to finish this up.
Before we can get going to the next level we've got to take care of some brambles in the south. Use your attacks to clear every last piece so that the others can work out where we're off to next.
This also marks the point where you are able to take part in the Heroic Challenges to boost your Skylander's stats. Each Skylander you add to your collection adds a new Heroic Challenge. Note that if you have two different versions of a character (like Spyro and Dark Spyro) you only get given one challenge for them - so that makes 32 Heroic Challenges in total.
Talk to Flynn to get going to Sky Schooner Docks.

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