3DS Version

Welcome to my complete Walkthrough to the Nintendo 3DS version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure.

The walkthrough itself tries not assume you have any specific Skylanders and will mention when you need a certain element or ability to complete a task.


MoveCircle Pad/Dpad
Primary AttackY
Secondary AttackX
Use Magic ItemR
Switch/Revive SkylanderTouch Screen


When you kill an enemy you gain a small amount of experience in the form of small glowing dots. You also get bonus experience at the end of a level based on how much radiance you've collected, whether you're matching the daily elemental bonus (+25% for one element or +50% for both), and how much time you had left on the clock.


Upgrades are automatically given to your Skylander when it levels up. At the end of a level the game will notify you that you've gained access to a new power.


In each level you can find at least one hat, in the 3DS game these are purely cosmetic items. You'll find them inside the presents that you can find in specific locations.

Each system has a different exclusive hat that is not on the others.

  • 3DS has a Balloon Hat
  • Wii has a Happy Birthday Hat
  • PlayStation 3 has a Straw Hat
  • Xbox 360 has a Flower Hat
  • PC has a Bowler Hat

It does not appear to be possible to permanently unlock these hats cross-platform but they will remain on your Skylanders if you go to a different console with them equipped.

Elemental Gates

In each exploration level you will find a pair of elemental gates, these are entirely optional and by skipping them you do not hinder progress through the story. To open an elemental gate simply stand on to it with a Skylander of the corresponding element.

Radiance Crystal

Each level has five goals, four of which are possible to do on your first time through. Once you achieve one of the level's goals you gain a Crystal and Hektore begins to chase you.

The tasks vary from level to level and include collecting radiance, collecting several of a special item, killing a certain number of enemies, smashing chests, completing the elemental challenges. You get a different set of tasks in the smaller arena levels such as not being hit by a hazard and not eating any food.

Once you've completed the first four challenges you unlock the fifth challenge which is Hektore chasing you right from the start.

Adventure Packs

The Adventure Packs come with a Skylander, a Location Piece and two Magic Items. The Skylander is just the same as any of the other Skylanders.

The Location Piece when placed on the Portal of Power will unlock a brand new pair of levels. An exploration level and an arena level. Unlike the consoles this item has no further use.

The Magic Items do not unlock anything but instead temporarily provide your Skylanders with something special. You can only have one Magic Item per Skylander slot active at any point

The main thing is to remember to actually use them. To load them into the game simply put them on the Portal of Power and talk to Wendel as if you were swapping out your Skylander. The Skylander that was active when you summoned the item will be the one that can use it, if you want the other to be able to use the same item then switch to that Skylander and summon the item again.

Pirate Seas

The Pirate Ship unlocks Windjammer Bay and Pontoon Point. It has no further use in the 3DS game.

The Hidden Treasure when activated will temporarily cause radiance to be attracted towards you. It costs ten radiance to use and only lasts a short time.

The Ghost Swords apparently makes your Skylander's attacks stronger for a short time.

Empire of Ice

The Empire of Ice unlocks Winterwatch Keep and Coldburn. It has no further use in the 3DS game.

The Sky-Iron Shield will protect your Skylanders from damage.

The Anvil Rain will surround your Skylander with three anvils that knock back enemies if touched.

Darklight Crypt

The Darklight Crypt itself unlocks Wighthaunt and The Spectery. It has no further use in the 3DS game.

The Healing Elixir will continue to heal your Skylander for twenty seconds.

The Time Twister will surround your Skylander with three hourglasses, if these hit an enemy that enemy will freeze in place for a few seconds.

#15 CynderDragonFan 01:04:25 10/08/2012
no its not its the best so look out smilie volts and lighting grrr
#14 spyromaster45 14:16:44 30/05/2012
this game is stupid if you are going to get it dont get the console trust me
#13 superwill123 14:48:46 17/05/2012
radiance is pretty much the magic of the radiant iles, the place in this game. oh, and at the end of a stage, its extra exp for both skylanders. crystals, though, i think just open up new places and mabee slowly heal the radiant iles. elemental chalenges test your skill, like parquore. ^3^
#12 superwill123 14:43:55 17/05/2012
Hecktores head is supprisingly more scary than kaos' head. (by a little bit...) TROLL!
#11 Stealth Elf 32 13:53:16 16/03/2012
I dont understand elemental challenges
#10 trentd78 23:14:10 04/03/2012
hektore is a big bad floating head.
#9 Stealth Elf 32 23:10:34 29/02/2012
oh, and element challenges
#8 Stealth Elf 32 23:09:35 29/02/2012
what is radiance, crystals, and a hektore
#7 JamesFakeman 10:20:30 26/02/2012
The 3DS version looks awesome! I think i'm gonna get the 3DS version first! Great walkthrough
#6 chopchop 02:31:09 25/02/2012
Im getting 3DS version so exited!!!
#5 njd123 12:37:32 24/02/2012
I don't think so.
#4 Purple-Cynder 02:42:58 24/02/2012
does the 3DS version have the same story than the console one? i looked at the walkthrough, and i never heard about a dark mirror or hektore...
#3 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 21:02:01 23/02/2012
Indeed. Thanks.
#2 Sunburn55 20:41:16 23/02/2012
Jump is B not A
#1 miniquiny999 22:56:39 11/02/2012
yay first post first time
and finally the 3ds version is up
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