A list of of the upgrades for each Skylander. The prices listed are the prices at the full 40% discount gained by collecting all twenty of the Winged Sapphires. The full price is 14,200 coins so at maximum discount to fully upgrade a Skylander you need 8,520 coins.
To fully upgrade a Series 2 along both paths and the Wow Pow it costs 26,100 coins, with the 40% discount that's just 15,660.
Note that some upgrades require preceding upgrades to have been bought before they appear or unlock. For example you cannot buy Jet-Vac's upgrade "Turbine Suction Fan" before you have purchased the "Feistier Fan" upgrade.
Tree Rex
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Shockwave Slam |
Sequoia Stampede |
Woodpecker Pal |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to slam the ground with massive fists, causing shockwaves. |
Press and hold (Square) to charge through enemies and obstacles. |
A woodpecker buddy joins Tree Rex in battle - Soul Gem in Molekin Mountain |
Initial Upgrades |
Photosynthesis Cannon |
Big Thorn Shockwave Slam |
Super Stampede |
Treefolk Tripleshot |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to harness the power of the sun and shoot light beams. |
Press and hold (X) for a bigger, more powerful Shockwave Slam. |
Sequoia Stampede attack does increased damage. |
Photosythesis Cannon fires triple burst shots. |
Treekfolk Charger |
Further develop Charge attacks. |
Titanic Elbow Drop |
Lightfooted |
Ultimate Stampede |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X) while charging to perform one serious elbow drop move. |
Charge longer and faster, doing more damage in the process. |
Sequoia Stampede attack does maximum damage. |
Lumbering Laserer |
Further develop Photosythesis Cannon attacks. |
Super-Charged Vaporized |
Sun Skewer |
The Pod Maker |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Hold (O) to charge up the Photosythesis Cannon for more damage. |
Photosythesis Cannon blasts through enemies and explodes for more damage. |
Vaporized enemies turn into exploding plant pods. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Fingerguns |
Shoulder Rockets |
Fists of Destruction! |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to shoot rapid-fire, ricocheting bouncy balls. |
Press (Square) to launch rockets into the air that swiftly descent on enemies. |
While holding (X), press (Square) to fire off rocket-powered homing fists - Soul Gem in Secret Vault of Secrets. |
Initial Upgrades |
I-Beam |
Targeting Computer |
Machine Fingerguns |
Cooler I-Beam |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to fire concentrated laser eye beams. |
Hold (Square) to bring up a target and control where rockets land. |
Hold (X) to repeatedly fire Fingerguns at an accelerated rate. |
Increases the damage of the I-Beam and reduces overheating. |
Robot Rocketeer |
Fire off more rockets for greater damage. |
Double Targets |
Rockets on Demand |
Atomic Clouds |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Now target 6 enemies at a time with laser-guided rockets. |
While holding (Square), press (X) to launch unlimited rockets. |
Shoulder Rockets leave explosions that damage enemies. |
I-Beam Supreme |
Supercharge I-Beams for a variety of effects. |
Super Machine Fingerguns |
Professionally Cool I-Beam |
Laser Mines |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Rate of fire for Fingerguns increases and they do more damage too. |
I-Beam does even more damage yet overheats slower. |
While holding (O), press (X) to drop laser mines. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Crusher's Crusher |
Turn to Stone |
Rockslidin' Out! |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to swing the big hammer, also named 'Crusher'. |
Press (Square) to shoot eye beams that turn enemies to stone. |
Hold (Circle) to steer Rockslide boulders around - Soul Gem in Troll Home Security. |
Initial Upgrades |
Ground Grinder |
Rockslide |
Super Crusher |
Cavelight Blast |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Hold (X) to hit the ground so hard, it makes a crack in the ground that damages enemies. |
Press (O) to break apart into boulders running over anything in their path. |
Hammer does increased damage. |
While holding (Square), press (X) to launch a pulse of energy that damages enemies. |
Rock Grinder |
Further develop your Hammer attacks. |
Crusher Combos |
Hammer Daddy |
Triple Ground Grinder |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Hammer Throw. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for 360 Spin. |
Hammer takes the face of Crusher's father and does increased damage. |
Hold (X) to hit the ground and make three cracks appear to damage enemies. |
Rubble Master |
Further develop your Rockslide attacks. |
Controlled Rockslide |
Boulder Bombs |
Bedrock Armor |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Control the direction of your Rockslide attack. |
While in a Rockslide, press (X) to detonate boulders. |
Special rock from deep within the earth provides increased armor. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Barb Blades |
Flight of the Wasp |
Bee is for Butt Stinger |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to slash enemies. |
Press (Square) to hover in the air. While flying, press (X) to shoot Barb Blades. |
While flying, press (O) to fire butt stinger missiles that track enemies - Soul Gem in Cutthroat Carnival. |
Initial Upgrades |
Sharpened Barbs |
Wingin' It |
Swarm Form |
Stinger Shot |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Barb Blade melee attacks do increased damage. |
Can fly faster and for longer durations. |
Press (O) to turn into a swarm of bugs, damaging everything they touch. |
Hold (X) to charge up and release to shoot a stinging energy blast. |
Barberous Avenger |
Further develop Barb Blade attacks. |
Razor Wings |
Better Barb Blast |
Ultimate Barbs |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Wings damage any enemies they touch. |
Barb Blades shot while flying do increased damage. |
All Barb Blade attacks do maximum damage. |
Wasp Stormer |
Further develop Swarm Form attacks. |
Swarm Storm |
Insectsplosion |
Bee Cleaver |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Swarm Form is bigger and does increased damage on contact. |
While in Swarm Form, press (Square) to do shockwave damage. |
While in Swarm Form, press (X) to form a giant axe and swing at enemies. |
Hot Head
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Flamefire Burst |
Oil Blobs |
Hot Rod |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to shoot a burst of fire. Hold (X) to keep flames going. |
Press (Square) to shoot a blob of oil that can get lit on fire for serious damage. |
Hold (X) and (Square) to transform into a hot rod - Soul Gem in Junkyard Isles. |
Initial Upgrades |
Premium Grade |
Sizzle Shower |
Turn Up the Heat! |
Extended Forecast |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Oil Blobs and ignited Oil Blobs do increased damage. |
Press (O) to summon a rain of fire from the sky. |
Flamefire Burst gets even hotter and does increased damage. |
Sizzle Shower lasts longer and does increased damage. |
The Burninator |
Further develop cooking skills. |
Eternal Flame |
Hot Oil Treatment |
Fossil Fuel |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Can use Flamefire Burst continuously and does maximum damage. |
Oil Blobs and ignited Oil Blobs do maximum damage. |
Oil Blobs turn into fossilized monsters who attack enemies. |
Oil Baron |
Further develop Sizzle Showering skills. |
Fire Storm |
Oil and Fire |
Hot with a Chance of Meteors |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Sizzle Shower does maximum damage and covers a larger area. |
During a Sizzle Shower, press (Square) to create an oily explosion, catching enemies on fire. |
Hold (O) to summon a gigantic meteor from the sky. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Anchor Assault |
Belly Flop |
Blowhard |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to swing the anchor at enemies. |
Press (Square) to dive into a belly flop, damaging enemies. |
While belly sliding, press (X) to spray water and starfish - Soul Gem in Glacier Gully. |
Initial Upgrades |
A Whale of a Chomp |
Slippery Belly |
The Whalest Chop |
Now There's An Anchor! |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) for a big, whale-sized chomp. |
Slide longer after a belly flop and do increased damage. |
Bigger, most powerful Whale Chomp attack. |
A new anchor does increased damage. |
Anchor's A-Yay!! |
Further develop Anchor attacks. |
Thumpback Combos |
Bermuda Triangle |
Ultimate Anchor |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Power Swing. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for Whirlpool Ripper. |
Increase the power of the Whirlpool Ripper combo attack. |
Best anchor you can find! Does maximum damage. |
Up Close and Personal |
Further develop Belly Flop and Chomp abilities. |
Breakfast in Bed |
Armor of the Sea |
Bad Sushi |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
While belly sliding, press (O) to chomp enemies. |
Seashells make for better armor. |
Hold (O) to release a stream of projectile water vomit, damaging enemies. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Haymaker |
Eye Fly |
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to throw some heavy punches. |
Press (Square) to detach the eyeball and fly around. While flying, press (X) to shoot eye lasers. |
Hold (X) to charge up a big eye cannonball shot - Soul Gem in The Oracle. |
Initial Upgrades |
An Eye in Team |
Awesome Occu-Blast |
The Pummeler |
Headless, Not Helpless |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to summon more eyeballs from the earth to attack enemies. |
Eye laser has a faster rate of fire. |
Punch attacks do increased damage. |
While flying the eyeball, his headless body will punch continuously. |
Eye Brawler |
Further develop melee combat skills. |
Eye-Brawl Combos |
Ultimate Pummeler |
Beats an Eye Patch |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Eye Ball Spin. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for 360 Spin. |
Melee attacks do additional damage. |
New armor provides additional protection. |
Eye for an Eye |
Further develop Flying Eyeball and Eyeball Bug abilities. |
Asserting Independance |
Eye Crawlers |
Bouncy Bouncy! |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Eyeball can now fly faster and for a longer duration. |
When enemies are hit with eye lasers, eyes form around the point of impact. |
While flying the eyeball, press (O) to bounce the eye on the ground. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Wishblades |
Bottle Blast |
Dazzling Enchantment |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to swing dual swords for hacking and slashing enemies. |
Press (Square) to hide inside the bottle. Press (Square) again to blast out in a magical explosion. |
While inside the bottle, hold (O) to put enemies into a trance - Soul Gem in Kaos' Kastle. |
Initial Upgrades |
Surrealistic Spheres |
Abra-ca-STAB-bra |
Juggling Act |
Bottle Rockets |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to summon magical orbs and cast them towards enemies. |
Wishblades do increased damage. |
Hold (O) to summon four magical orbs and damage multiple enemies. |
While inside the bottle, press (X) to launch rockts. |
Swords of Might |
Empower Wishblades to wreak destruction upon your foes. |
Wishblade Combos |
Wishbladesplosion |
Ultimate Wishblade |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Fling Blade. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for Enchanted Blade. |
Hold (X) to charge up the sword into an explosive blast. |
Wishblades do maximum damage. |
Ancient Djinn Magic |
Harness ancient Djinn magic to improve bottle and Surrealistic Sphere attacks. |
Super Surrealistic Spheres |
Ultimate Bottle Rockets |
Buy a Better Bottle |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Magical orbs do more damage and affect a greater area. |
Bottle rockets launch faster, do more damage, and affect a greater area. |
Bottle is stronger and moves faster. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Slingshot |
Mushroom Ring |
Self-Slingshot |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to shoot exploding mushrooms. |
Press (Square) to spawn a ring of mushrooms that damage enemies. |
While holding (X), press (Square) to slingshot himself towards enemies - Soul Gem in Time of the Giants. |
Initial Upgrades |
Launch Paratroopers |
Super Shrooms |
Bigger Boomshrooms |
Bouncing Boomshrooms |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to shoot mushroom paratroopers who drop down from the sky. |
Mushroom Ring gets bigger. |
Hold (X) to charge up a giant exploding mushroom. |
Exploding mushrooms bounce on the ground and do increase damage. |
Barrier Boost |
Upgrade Mushroom Ring for better protection. |
Spore Power |
Ultimate Ring |
Back to the Beginning |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Mushroom Ring creates a damaging spore cloud. |
Mushroom Ring is the biggest it gets. |
Hold (Square) to remain underground, where you can move around freely. |
Parashroom Promotion |
Improve mushroom attacks. |
Lock 'N' Load |
Fungal Infestation |
Paratrooper Invasion |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Can fire exploding mushrooms faster that do increased damage. |
Mushroom Paratroopers stick to enemies and do damage over time. |
Shoot 3 Mushroom Paratroopers at once. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Wrench Whack |
Turret Gun-o-Matic |
Landmine Golf |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to swing the big wrench. |
Press (Square) to build a turret that shoots enemies. Climb inside by facing the turret and pressing (Square). |
Facing a mine, press (X) to send it flying towards enemies - Soul Gem in Drill-X's Big Rig. |
Initial Upgrades |
Auto Turret V2 |
Bouncing Betty Mines |
2 Times the Turrets |
Tanks a Lot! |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Turret Gun-o-Matic does increased damage and has more HP. |
Press (O) to toss mines that explode when enemies are near. |
Can have 2 active turrets at once. |
When climbing inside a turret, it transforms into a drivable assault tank. |
Operator |
Further develop Wrench and Mine attacks. |
Sprocket Combos |
Monkey Wrench |
All Mines |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Power Surge. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for Mines O' Plenty. |
Better wrench does increased damage. |
Can now deploy 3 Bouncing Betty Mines at once. |
Gearhead |
Further improvements to Turret and Tank abilities. |
Mine Drop! |
Exploding Shells |
Self Destruct System |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
While driving a tank, press (O) to drop mines out the back. |
Turret and Tank shells now explode on contact, doing extra damage. |
When a Turret or Tank expires, it detonates and damages anything nearby. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Crystal Shards |
Shimmering Spin |
Crystal Lighthouse |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to fire Crystal Shards. |
Press (Square) to spin around and damage anything in your path. |
Hold (O) to create a Crystal Lighthouse that fires laser light beams - Soul Gem in Bringing Order to Kaos! |
Initial Upgrades |
Surrounded by Shards |
Luminous Lasers |
Light Speed Shards |
Armored Aura |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to fire Crystal Shards in all directions but forward. |
Hold (X) to charge up a powerful laser shot. |
Shoot Crystal Shards much faster and deal extra damage. |
Condensed light increases your armor. |
Super Shards |
Upgrade Crystal Shard attacks. |
Shooting Shards |
Crystal Craziness |
Healing Crystals |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Crystal Shards stick in walls and shoot their own crystals when (X) is pressed again. |
Up to 3 crystals stick in walls and shoot their own crystals when (X) is pressed again. |
Crystals embedded in a wall heal Flashwing when she is close. |
Super Spinner |
Upgrade the Shimmering Spin ability. |
Extra Radiant Rotation |
Reflection Deflection |
Lights, Crystal, Action! |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Shimmering Spin lasts longer and does increased damage. |
Gain extra armor and deflect enemies' projectiles back at them while spinning. |
While spinning, press (X) to shoot beams of laser light. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Vac-Blaster |
Suction Gun |
Eagle-Air Battle Gear |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to shoot enemies with a powerful blast of air. |
Hold (Square) to suck enemies into the spinning fan blades. |
Enhanced armor and a pretty sweet visor - Soul Gem in Arkeyan Autogyro Adventure. |
Initial Upgrades |
Feistier Fan |
Jet-Vac Jet Pack |
Vac Blaster 9000 |
Turbine Suction Fan |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Bigger spinning fan blades on the Suction Gun do increased damage to enemies. |
Press (O) to fly and perform new attacks in the air. |
Vac Blaster does increased damage. |
Suction Gun attacks do even more increased damage. |
Bird Blaster |
Further develop your Vac-Blaster attacks. |
Piercing Winds |
Vac Master-Blaster 20X |
Super Suction Air Blaster |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Vac Blaster does even more increased damage and pierces multiple enemies. |
Vac Blaster does maximum damage. |
Suck up enemies with the Suction Gun and it gives the Vac Blaster a super shot. |
Vac-packeteer |
Further develop your Suction and Flight attacks. |
Tank Reserves |
The Mulcher |
Flying Corkscrew |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Can remain in flight longer and recharge faster. |
Suction Gun attacks do maximum damage. |
While flying, press (Square) to blast forward and perform a powerful corkscrew attack. |
Hot Dog
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Firebark |
Wall of Fire |
Ding Dong Ditch |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to spit fireballs. |
Press (Square) to summon a wall of fire, which can be pushed towards enemies. |
After a Comet Slam, leave a burning bag that explodes when stepped on - Soul Gem in Rumbletown. |
Initial Upgrades |
Pyro Piercers |
Comet Slam |
Wall of MORE Fire |
Super Comet |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Fireballs pierce multiple targets and do increased damage. |
Press (O) to flip into the air and slam down on the ground like a comet. |
Walls of Fire do increased damage. |
Hold (O) to charge up the Comet Slam and release to do increased damage. |
Burning Bow-Wow |
Further develop Firebark attacks. |
Hot Dog Combos |
Bark Bombs |
Pyro Pinwheel |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Burnin' Bees. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for Comet Dash. |
Fireballs explode on impact and do increased damage. |
While holding (O) to charge up the Comet Slam, Hot Dog shoots fireballs from all angles. |
Pyro Pooch |
Further develop Wall of Fire attacks. |
Blazing Wildfire |
Great Walls of Fire |
Magmutt Battalion |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Walls of Fire travel faster and do even more increased damage. |
Walls of Fire are bigger and do even more increased damage. |
Walls are now made up of fiery dogs that do maximum damage and shoot fireballs. |
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Ice Javelin |
Ice Wall |
Call the Narwhal! |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to throw a spinning ice javelin. |
Press (Square) to summon a wall of ice blocks. Can use for protection or to knock back enemies. |
Hold (X) to charge and release to summon a narwhal friend - Soul Gem in Lost City of Arkus. |
Initial Upgrades |
The Great Wall |
Glacial Bash |
Imperial Armor |
Cold Front |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Hold (Square) to extend the length of an ice wall. |
Press (O) to bash enemies and ice wall blocks with your shield. |
New armor provides increased protection. |
Hold (O) to keep the shield raised and block attacks from the front. |
Ice Lancer |
Further develop Ice Javelin attacks. |
Brrrr Blade |
Shatterspear |
Triple Javelins |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
New ice javelin does increased damage. |
Javelins now split into separate ice spears when passing through an Ice Wall. |
Throw 3 ice javelins at once. |
Frozen Fury |
Further develop Ice Wall abilities. |
Ice Breaker |
Better Bash |
On the Rocks |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Ice Wall blocks explode when struck by an ice javelin or enemy. |
Glacial Bash hits multiple enemies and Ice Wall blocks in a larger area. |
Exploding ice blocks freeze enemies into ice cubes of their own. |
Fright Rider
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Melee Attacks |
Jousting Charge |
A Real Drag |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to perform melee attacks with the ostrich and spear. |
Press and hold (Square) to charge towards enemies with spear extended. |
While burrowing, the spear can drag enemies underground - Soul Gem in Aerial Attack! |
Initial Upgrades |
Ghoul Glaive |
Burrow Bomber |
Phantasm Strike |
Halberd of Horror |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Melee attacks do increased damage. |
Hold (O) to burrow and steer the ostrich's head underground. Release (O) to teleport to that location. |
Jousting Charge does increased damage. |
Melee attacks do even more increased damage. |
Sir Lance A Lot |
Further develop Melee Attacks. |
Fright Rider Combos |
Flock of Fury |
Supreme Spear |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Press (X), (X), HOLD (Square) for Spear Vault. Press (X), (X), HOLD (O) for Skull Slam. |
Hold (X) to unleash a fury of multiple ostrich heads. |
Melee Attacks do maximum damage. |
Joust Jockey |
Further develop Jousting abilities. |
Joust Juice |
Entombment Strike |
360 Degrees of Spear |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Jousting Charge is faster and does increased damage. |
While charging, press (O) to perform a powerful downward strike. |
While charging, press (X) to swing the spear around in a 360-degree attack. |
Pop Fizz
Core Abilities |
Soul Gem |
Potion Lob |
Beast Form |
Shake It! |
0 |
0 |
2400 |
Press (X) to lob his currently-equipped potion. |
Press (Square) to drink potion and temporarily change into a beastly form. |
Repeatedly press (O) to shake potion bottle until it explodes - Soul Gem in Wilikin Village. |
Initial Upgrades |
New Concoctions |
Puddle of Pain |
Raging Beast |
Dexterous Delivery |
300 |
420 |
540 |
720 |
Press (O) to switch to some new potions, which have different effects when thrown. |
Press (O) to cycle to a new potion that leaves a damaging puddle of acid when thrown. |
All attacks in Beast Form do additional damage. |
Throw potions and grab new ones much faster. |
Best of the Beast! |
Further develop Beast Form attacks. |
More Beast! |
Beserker Boost |
Mutant Beast |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
Beast Form meter drains more slowly and recharges faster. |
In Beast Form, damaging enemies increases the Beast Form meter. |
In Beast Form, press (O) to perform a special attack based on which potion is active. |
Mad Scientist |
Further develop Potion attacks. |
Master Chemist |
Mixologist |
All In |
1020 |
1320 |
1800 |
All potions do increased damage and have improved effects. |
Mix the effects of different color potions for brand new effects. |
Hold (X) to pull up to 3 potions out and release to throw them all at once. |
Series 2 Spyro
Fireslam! |
5000 |
While flying, press (Square) to shoot fireballs and perform a flaming slam - need Earth Pound upgrade. |
Series 2 Double Trouble
Triple Trouble! |
5000 |
Eldritch Beam splits off into 3 separate beams when it locks on an enemy. |
Series 2 Wrecking Ball
Disco Ball! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) to turn your Force Field into a magical disco ball. |
Series 2 Slam Bam
Sleigh Me! |
5000 |
Hold (O) to take a ride on a powerful ice sleigh - need Yeti Ice Show Slide upgrade. |
Series 2 Zap
For Riley! |
5000 |
While riding a wave, press (Square) to make a big splash - need Wave Rider upgrade. |
Series 2 Gill Grunt
Anchor's Away! |
5000 |
Hold (X) and release to fire 3 giant anchors - need Anchor Cannon upgrade. |
Series 2 Bash
Rolling Thunder! |
5000 |
While rolling, press (O) to launch into the air and slam down - need Summoning: Stone Projection upgrade. |
Series 2 Prism Break
Pulse Power |
5000 |
While holding (X), press (Square) to send a powerful pulse down the beam. |
Series 2 Terrafin
Dive Burrow |
5000 |
While in the air for a belly flop, press (Square) to immediately dive back underground. |
Series 2 Hex
Skull Buddy! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) to charge up the Skull Storm, then press (X) to conjure a giant skull pal. |
Series 2 Cynder
Lightning Rain! |
5000 |
While flying, press (Square) to bring a great lightning blast down from the sky - need Flight upgrade. |
Series 2 Chop Chop
Shield Skewer! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) and press (X) to burst forward in a mega shield bash attack - need Spiked Shield Bash upgrade. |
Series 2 Ignitor
Blue Flame! |
5000 |
In Flame Form or after a Mega Slam, leave a trail of blue fire. |
Series 2 Flameslinger
Speed Demon! |
5000 |
While dashing, press (X) to run even faster and leave a new flame trail. |
Series 2 Eruptor
Lava Barf! |
5000 |
Hold (O) to charge up a powerful stream of projectile lava barf - need Magma Ball upgrade. |
Series 2 Whirlwind
Cloudbursting! |
5000 |
Tempest clouds automatically shoot rainbows. |
Series 2 Sonic Boom
Super Baby! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) to combine regular babies into one Super Baby. |
Series 2 Lightning Rod
BIG Bolt! |
5000 |
Hold (X) to throw the biggest bolt of lightning known to man. |
Series 2 Drill Sergeant
Futurecannon! |
5000 |
Hold (O) to fire energy pulses that haven't even been invented yet - need Auto-Blaster upgrade. |
Series 2 Drobot
Supreme Bladegear! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) to combine Bladegears into one Super Bladegear that is controllable. |
Series 2 Trigger Happy
MegaBlast! |
5000 |
While using the mini-gun, press (X) for a super blast - need Golden Machine Gun. |
Series 2 Stump Smash
Auto-Nuts! |
5000 |
Hold (Square) to rapidly spit out a series of nuts. |
Series 2 Zook
Target Lock! |
5000 |
Hold (O) to bring up a targeting reticle and press (X) to hit that target - need Mortar Attack upgrade. |
Series 2 Stealth Elf
Knife Blender! |
5000 |
Hold (X) to unleash a mega 360-degree knife slash attack. |
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