The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning


12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Here are a load of screenshots and concept art from this game. Enjoy.


Gallery Gallery
The original E3 footage.
WMV (14.0MB)
First Trailer
MOV (36.7MB)

#195 CynderLightLife 10:54:00 08/06/2007
Woops, I forgot to put this in:

On, hmmm, screen 14, Spyro's looking at the Bulb Spider:

Spyro: I'm wathin' you.

Bulb: What the heck are you looking at?

Spyro: Ummm...Your ugly plantation face?
#194 CynderLightLife 10:51:23 08/06/2007
Hahahahahahha!!!!! Good one, good one...

But I think you meen 12.

WOO HOO OF THE HOOIEST WOOS!!! Came back from camp, and I found the GBA version on my bedroom pillow.

Ma? What did you do with my 20 dollars???

#193 Redizcool15 04:34:14 03/06/2007
Sorry about double posting but on screen 13 it looks as it the characters said,

Soldier: uh, what do i do now?
Spyro: I'm trying to spot a flea on your head
#192 Redizcool15 16:25:18 20/05/2007
That is the layout of Tall Plains
#191 CynderLightLife 04:32:03 19/05/2007
OK, OK, calm down. And next time, please, try not to double post and make your messages worth reading.

Whats with the forest (picture 33, Artwork)?


P.S: Woo hoo!!! Got a spyro plushie off a Ebay the other day.

Also, the ise king DOES sort of look like the item you pointed out. Man, do I wish I had this game on GBA. *curls up in cave*
#190 Redizcool15 03:09:40 18/05/2007
In the artwork on pic 22 The Ice king looks like a action figure! lol
#189 Redizcool15 18:17:30 17/05/2007
I finsihed the game 27 TIMES!
#188 CynderLightLife 05:52:26 14/05/2007
Cute? I guess, but to me, it looks more maniceing. You want cute, finish the game. *pokes cute Cynder*


(This wasn't, in any way, supposed to be offensive. Im just weird.)
#187 Redizcool15 07:33:09 12/05/2007
In Screenshot 16 Cynder looks so cute!
#186 CynderLightLife 09:29:09 27/04/2007
To daida,

Scuse me? Was that message directed at me? Because I didnt ask anything of pictures or the sorts (as far as i know, thats what you where directing at). But, now I'm intrested. Tell me more.


P.S: Could somebody (on youtube) make some vidios of the legend of spyro on gameboy advance? Like, of meeting Ignitus, Cyril, Terragor and volteer? And, also, is there dojo trainings on this version?
#185 daida 07:16:28 25/04/2007
u use a emulator silly.
#184 CynderLightLife 09:49:08 24/04/2007
Hmmm, I might read the, umm, 'Terms and Conditions', is it?

Yeh, i think it is...
#183 CynderLightLife 05:16:13 23/04/2007
No? But I read somewhere that it adds something to your desktop.

#182 Giveitup 13:20:38 22/04/2007
I've been there!(about talking about Spyro)No,you don't have to add any new programs on your computer to sign up.
#181 CynderLightLife 03:05:44 22/04/2007
Well, Giveitup, im no-one. I need to learn more about the site before i join. Will it add anything to my computer if i do sign up? But i most likably will join youtube, but not 100% sure.


P.S: There's only one other person at school I can talk to about spyro, cos no-one else has a clue what im talkin' about!
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