The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Released in October 2006, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, is said to be the first of a new reset storyline and was developed by Krome Studios (PS2, XBOX, GCN, GBA) and Amaze Entertainment (DS).
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- Action/combat orientated
- New breath abilities, fury attacks, melee and aerial combo attacks
- Upgradeable breath abilities
- The new storyline explores Spyro's origins, all the way back to when he hatched and was raised by a family of dragonflies
- Fire, Earth, Electric and Ice breaths.
- The villain is a female black dragon called Cynder.
- Krome Studios are taking care of the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment are making the DS version again.
- Five bosses to fight during the game
- Spyro returns to the skies
- Elijah Wood as the voice of Spyro
- David Spade as the voice of Sparx
- Gary Oldman as the voice of Ignitus: a red dragon, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
- Named enemies. A lot of creatures that Spyro attacks will have their own individual name (randomly assigned except for significant enemies such as bosses or some small creatures). You can read a complete list of all of the bits of the names, and view a Random Enemy Name Generator.

Yeah, graphics look amazing. 0.o a Spyro pre-quel...this should be interesting...

Hope it's even funnier than Crash Twinsanity (which is super-funny)!

Im not to sure about it because it looks bad by the picture but apparently its really good!
so might as well try it out i suppose?!

i'm so happy i could scream! thought spyro was dead, but this game looks better than everything else, particularly graphs, can't wait 4 more info, and i'll be peeling away till october. the whole "raised by dragonflies" thing is teh weirdness though. but i love this series and hope the new approach with combat skills will ressurect its popularity and glory. And that ugly picture, i'm hoping, is probably just a production pic, and they'll probably see their mistake in making such a crap-chute ugly pic. the rest looks good though, even the story

Sounds execellent!

I have seen the game's screenshots and it looks great. Though I hope they
haven't gotten rid of the collecting and exploration which the Spyro series is
known for. I heard they're bringing back gems, but other collectables would be nice too, such as eggs, orbs or something new, not just continuous combat. I'd like the game to have variety.
haven't gotten rid of the collecting and exploration which the Spyro series is
known for. I heard they're bringing back gems, but other collectables would be nice too, such as eggs, orbs or something new, not just continuous combat. I'd like the game to have variety.

Verry cool !!!!

this is different but sweet im g tired of a heros tail this should be a great game
i wonder what the villian and the plot will be probably red and ripto and gnasty gnork........then again i might have a totally new boss
i wonder what the villian and the plot will be probably red and ripto and gnasty gnork........then again i might have a totally new boss

I really can't wait for the game to come out! I know Spyro hasn't been on a crash course since Isomniac let him go, but hopefully this game will put the air back under his wings.

Ooooooooo....i can't wait till this game pops out!

Spyro? Popular? Well, actually, that might happen. If this game draws more players, hopefully they'll also purchase (and enjoy) other Spyro games. Just tell them to keep away from Enter the Dragonfly and the GBA versions, or they'll probably stop playing the game.

Oh I just can't wait for this sounds great and I hope it is the best spyro game of them alll!.....hope alot of people get it.....I don't want the creators to stop making spyro games...

Er... Me, Probably not, it is known to come out around October time.
There's loads of news about it! You know what that means...
...Well, it's gonna be a POPULAR GAME!!!!!!!
There's loads of news about it! You know what that means...

...Well, it's gonna be a POPULAR GAME!!!!!!!

I can't believe that Sony started making PS3s 1st, but this game will still come out before it...

I hope I like this but i do not know. But i hope i will.
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