
Xbox 360

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Thumbstick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Left Bumper and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Left Bumper and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

PlayStation 2 / PlayStation 3

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold L1 and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold L1 and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold R1 and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold R1 and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up


All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Z and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Z and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Z and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold + and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

All Elemental Upgrades refills your Health and Mana bars and gives you all of the elemental abilities without the need to upgrade them using XP. It also gives you all the armour in the game.

Unlimited Life simply holds your life bar at its current level and creatures can no longer damage you.

Unlimited Mana holds your mana bar at its current level and you no longer drain it when using an elemental attack.

Maximum XP gives both characters all the experience they can get, you will then need to use it to fill up the elements yourself.

To disable a cheat simply re-enter it. The exception is Maximum XP which cannot be reversed.

#30 cynder1111 20:47:14 24/12/2008
i decoved them before they got them
#29 valforwing 08:24:42 24/12/2008
okay i got on a different web site and i tried the healt cheat

and it worked smilie

perhaps the ps2 and ps3 versions are different slightly. for anyone whose cheat codes from thsi site are not working please try these just in case. if some one who owns both the ps2 and ps3 versions could test out both the cheat code sets please do so because i only have a ps2.....
don't give up!

Pause the game then hold L1 and press the Left Analog-stick Left, Up, Down, Up, Right.

Infinite Health:
Pause the game then hold L1 and press the Left Analog-stick Right, Right, Down, Down, Left.

Infinite Mana/Breath:
Pause the game then hold L1 and press the Left Analog-stick Up, Right, Up, Left, Down.

Max experience points:
Pause the game then hold L1 and press the Left Analog-stick Up, Left, Left, Down, Up.
#28 valforwing 07:50:11 24/12/2008
i've searched the internet for cheats for eternal night and dawn of dragon. but the only codes that have been listed have proved to be unworking and because of which i can't beat the ravage rider in eternal night, so i skipped the game and went on to play i'm stuck fighting the golem when he starts to bash me with his hands in warfang. and the ps2 codes do not work. i've tried useing the left analog sticks i've tried useing the directional buttons..they jsut don't work......DX I'm the worst gamer ever!
#27 American Spyro 03:27:34 24/12/2008
maybe you're not doin them right
#26 malefor 02:10:22 24/12/2008
hang on these cheats aren't working on ps2 anyone know whats going on
#25 spyrovsdark 18:07:03 22/12/2008
i love this place :0 spyro rules
#24 spyro22 15:53:53 22/12/2008
i already beat the game at 100% twice i will fell no guilt in using these cheats
#23 Spyrofan 13:41:14 22/12/2008
I'm use cheats just in burned lands and in Malefor's lair(In Malefor's Lair I use just cheat for mana)
#22 Selene 03:45:35 22/12/2008
After seeing the Unlimited Health/Mana cheats, I have an idea. It involves Spyro and Cynder "fighting" each other. (Note: I got the idea after watching Spy Kids 3) However, it involves two player mode, since "attacking" the AI genarry isn't so fun. Seriously. I used Cynder to pound Spyro with melee, and the only thing he did was stand around and walk a little. One word: L-A-M-E. Let's not forget B-O-R-I-N-G. NOW, I will try to find out how the "fight" will proceed. One more thing: ask me if you want ideas for fun stuff involving these cheats. I WOULD make a forum, but, it seems that I cannot; I don't have an account, but OTHER fodders make forums...........................
#21 cynder101 23:40:03 21/12/2008
hi i am new here. i put in all the cheats and when i went to kill an elite enimeis ( sorry for bad spelling) i found out that the max hits is 999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#20 JJJ 14:16:43 21/12/2008
thanks spyro183 that will help me when i get the game yeaaaaaaaaa
#19 tye-dye dragon 11:39:06 21/12/2008
I find The Legend of Spyro games difficult.
#18 tye-dye dragon 11:38:26 21/12/2008
By the looks of this game, I'm going to need all the cheats I can get.
#17 Find the Hermit 21:28:25 20/12/2008
how do you find the hermit i've gotton to the cave and the vines but i can't get spyro and cynder to "wall run"! And i can't kill the skeleton dude at the top of the vines in the valley. HELP ME!
#16 gary 11:55:16 20/12/2008
I have ps2 to using only.
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