Green Magic Crystals
The reward for collecting these is a piece of crystal for each character. For every five you collect Spyro's magic bar increases in size and for every four Cynder's does the same.
The Catacombs
- Along a series of platforms at the bottom of the large open area.
Twilight Falls
- In the area where you push a tree over.
- In the cave in the area where you push a tree over leading to a wind gust and an Elite Enemy.
Valley of Avalar
- Up on a ledge in the area after talking to Hermit, use some vines opposite the save point to reach it.
- Inside a locked adamantite orb door near the Elite Enemy.
- On a central plateau, get to it via a long glide from some platforms across the river.
Dragon City
- In an alcove in the area where you fill the pool.
- On the ramparts, near the where the right-hand siege tower appears.
Attack of the Golem
- At the top of the steps after the first save point.
Ruins of Warfang
- Lower left, behind some vines next to the first group of Shadows.
- Upper left, behind a Shadow Door at the end.
- Upper right, after the climbing zones with falling rocks.
The Dam
- On a wooden platform at the bottom of the dam on the left.
- Behind some rocks next to the last orb, smash them with an Earth swing.
The Destroyer
- Up from the exit of the tunnel in the Destroyer's arm.
- One of the Destroyer's teeth.
Burned Lands
- Appears after defeating the large enemy on an island near the Elite Enemy.
- On an outcrop on the righthand wall in the climbing zone area.
- Underneath the bridge after the top of the lava waterfall that you climb, jump off right before the two Blue Gem Clusters on it.
Floating Islands
- Underneath a circular grass platform in the area where you light the torches.

I can't find one.

I beat it!!!! 100/100

kool ive got like 98%

i got evrey thing it says i only got 99%
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