The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The sequel to The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning and the second of a trilogy, this game The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night sees the return of Spyro the Dragon and the continuation of the story that was left hanging in the previous game.

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
North America Oct 2nd 2007 North America Oct 23rd 2007 North America Oct 2nd 2007
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
European Union Nov 2nd 2007 European Union Dec 7th 2007 European Union Nov 2nd 2007
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Krome Studios 7+ E10+ - Everyone 10+
Nintendo DS Amaze Entertainment 7+ E - Everyone
Game Boy Advance
The legend continues in the second installment of The Legend of Spyro trilogy with the Ape King arriving at the Temple of Souls in an effort to usher in a new age of darkness. As Spyro, players must unlock the secrets behind a series of strange visions that he is having and find the power to defeat this terrifying new force.

#165 RubyKrystal 06:27:40 12/07/2007
If that's the official cover art, it looks awesome!
#164 Miyuki 15:10:08 11/07/2007
But the mobile games are usually kind of different from the console ones, so maybe its shorter, or the same... ..
#163 sebastien tassy 05:51:23 11/07/2007
i must have the new spyro game and itt will be cool
#162 Anonymous 03:17:03 11/07/2007
What movie? Please tell me you have that trailer someone...
#161 Spyro321 01:04:37 11/07/2007
I saw a trailer for it at the movie theater, i only saw 3 minutes because i got there late but Billy West is taking over for Sparx!

I hope Crash of the Titans is good too
#160 the red fox 23:38:14 10/07/2007
Not it finally mentions what dragon time is, time bending where you slow down time to outmaneuver your enemies, just like F.E.A.R.

Video Game something site said the same exact thing or vice versa.
#159 Michael 20:41:45 10/07/2007
Thirteen levels isn't really that short. Maybe back in the PlayStation era, when levels were fairly small and linear, but with the large, open levels seen in today's gaming, thirteen levels is hardly small.
#158 teh insomniac 16:48:57 10/07/2007
1. thirteen levels is really short. 2. The makeup of the mobile version isn't necessarily the same as the videogame, though you're probably right.
#157 robby 15:55:58 10/07/2007
does anyone know if you can play cynder in the next game if you know please tell me
#156 RubyKrystal 06:17:05 10/07/2007
Well, the mobile version has 13 levels. Don't you think the same will go for the console game?
#155 Miyuki 22:33:25 09/07/2007
yeah, the last one was kinda short...
#154 kyle katarn 09:11:53 09/07/2007
i really hope this one is bigger then the last one
#153 Spyro 19:31:58 08/07/2007
i think spyro is great and iam looking foward to the legend of spyro the eternal light
#152 the red fox 18:12:36 08/07/2007

Same old news. Nothing new but some old people not updating fast enough.
#151 teh insomniac 17:25:05 08/07/2007
I don't think cynder will have a big gameplay or combat role, but she will probably have a big part in the backstory and plot from what I'm hearing from people who claim to have seen a trailer. I think she gets captured for some reason.
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