The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning


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During play, enter the cheat code that you wish to activate. If entered correctly you will hear a gong sound after pressing the Start at the end of the code.

PlayStation 2

Infinite Health

Start Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right L1 L1 R1 R1 Start

Infinite Breath

Start Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right L1 R1 L1 R1 Start


Infinite Health

Start Button Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right L Button L Button R Button R Button Start Button

Infinite Breath

Start Button Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right L Button R Button L Button R Button Start Button


Infinite Health

Start Button Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right White White Black Black Start Button

Infinite Breath

Start Button Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right White Black White Black Start Button

#45 25krad 19:04:40 14/03/2007
as soon as i can figure out those space whale, Cynder will be suffering from pwnage!...then she'll return to her own form.
#44 Blue Fire 18:27:31 11/03/2007
Thanks dark52 now i can tear cynde apart in 30 secs! To any1 who it isnt workin for press start at end of code.
#43 Brazilian Spyro 15:24:08 21/02/2007
dark52 you are genious, this is the code we all needed (now we kill guys in 10 seconds with earth breath
#42 Meesho 15:20:24 17/02/2007
yeah, as kostasNcynder said ..
Press START .. do it, then press START fastly ..
I wrote this coz I was trying to just do the cheat above without notice to START ..

Thanks fro this site .. keep it up
#41 Shadow Flame 09:14:40 17/02/2007
argh no cheats for xbox found
#40 Carmelita Fox 03:16:44 16/02/2007
I tired the cheats PS2 NTSC and they do not work me neither.
#39 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 21:28:28 10/02/2007
The cheat codes listed in the page above all work, you just need to enter them correctly.
#38 momy88 21:06:15 10/02/2007
The cheat code does not work!!!!I am angry at the person who lied
#37 troyermish 00:33:16 01/02/2007
I think my son, Jonathan, found a cheat that is not posted here. We have GameCube, I am not sure if it works in other formats.
It is for Infinite Green (breath)
at Pause
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left Right, L,R,L,R
#36 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 07:51:33 26/01/2007
I don't think anyone has, hence the unverified label. I'll just remove it completely now.
#35 Shadow Dragon 03:06:45 26/01/2007
on xbox i keep trying to put in code but still never works. I press start at the end of it all as well =(
#34 kostasNcynder 22:42:02 11/01/2007
to make codes work,press STaRT button when done
#33 tifa 22:41:30 30/12/2006
oh! and i got the code to work, yay!
#32 tifa 22:38:15 30/12/2006
omg thank you soooo much for the tail strike!!!!
#31 Sparx 18:30:38 30/12/2006
you have to pause it then put the code in then unpause it and if you did it right you will hear a gong.
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