Spyro: Shadow Legacy


13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Here are some screenshots and images of the game.

And to top all that off, here's an ASCII art version of the logo, made by me.

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#63 sorcerer 17:45:30 25/02/2018
Picture 30 of 34, is a secret ? other version ? or a fake ?

No, not picture 30 of 34, is picture 3 of 34

American Spyro
I am european, i not reconize this picture. Is not european version.
What do you think about picture 30 of 34, and 3 of 34 ?

artwork 24/33 is real in the game ?
#62 LocoGuy107 16:31:39 19/04/2014
Yeah, this game was actually the inspiration for the whole Legend of Spyro series.
#61 joinim 13:32:59 10/11/2013
Wow this game basically looks like New Beginning for the DS, but is part of the classic series. I'll have to look into this game more smilie
#60 Spyro Cynder123 18:56:12 05/07/2012
I like pic 32 it cool
#59 spyrosfun 23:15:54 20/04/2012
that logo is awesome (smilie)
#58 spyro12221 18:58:45 29/12/2011
smilie muuuuuuurp
smilie shut up
#57 Brokensoul 00:40:55 20/12/2011
Image 24 -
The only thing scary about that thing is that IT CAN EAT ME WITH IT'S NOSTRILS!!! WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO KIDS?!?!?!??!?!
#56 Dragon-year 00:18:41 03/11/2011
Shadow minions too easy, hes just liek wah ahahwh
#55 spyrorocks101 23:32:57 22/04/2011
i think the shadow minion is so easy
#54 Cynder 19 05:41:09 07/10/2009
Wow! Thats an AWSOME Spyro Shadow Legacy Logo!!! smilie
#53 DemonSpyro115 22:20:26 13/08/2009
I Must have

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#52 cynderlightlife 06:21:13 10/05/2009
I was going to answer your question, but I don't know the answer either. Maybe it was before the game was released, like a tester before they changed their minds...?
#51 American Spyro 01:08:38 18/04/2009
image 6/33

In my game of shadow legecy, my bottom screen does not have that. Why? Is it the european version? I need to know cuz i dont recognize that.
#50 katkerrykat 18:53:53 02/02/2009
#49 spyro lover 6 13:00:47 25/01/2009
my name is spyro lover 6 and i have just loged in and how do make smiles i saw outher dragons usin the i dont know how
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