Spyro: Fusion

Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy


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Spyro: Fusion > Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes

These codes are entered on the password screen. To get to it, at the main menu right after selecting your save file, hold down L and R to open it up. Make sure that you notice that some letters are represented by numbers or different letters than you might expect.

G3MZ - Turns entire game grey (will revert upon reset)
P0RT4L - Turns entire game purple (will revert upon reset)
SP4RX - Turns entire game orange (will revert upon reset)
SH33P - Turns enemies into sheep (will revert upon reset)
B41S0KV - Replaces Spyro's flame with flying sheep
SPYR0 - Turns Spyro orange (will revert upon reset)
V1S10NS - Gives you 100 gems (can only be used once per save slot)
T4P10C4 - Gives you 200 Gems (can only be used once per save slot)
V4N1LL4 - Gives you the Stone Riptoc Card
S0YB34N - Gives you the O Sheep Card

Crash Party

Hold L and R when switching on your GBA to play a extra secret game called Crash Party USA (or just Crash Party if you're playing the European version). This mini-game requires you to press one of the buttons on your GBA as it reaches the end of the lines, I'm not entirely sure how long the game goes on for but it gets more difficult with both faster movement of the buttons and crazy combinations of them. Remember you can go straight from the top to the bottom by pressing up, the same applies from getting to the top from the bottom (except you press down).

#32 Matteomax 18:07:29 08/09/2012
Lol, lots of 1337 speak..
#31 MaleforSxC 17:24:19 25/04/2012
The first few cheats --- G3MZ - Turns entire game grey (will revert upon reset
P0RT4L - Turns entire game purple (will revert upon reset)
SP4RX - Turns entire game orange (will revert upon reset)
--- are weird! Why would they be there!
#30 spyro crash 22:05:49 10/10/2011
i know of these crash cheats

cr4sh=100 wumpa
l4mppost=orange game
k1ll4z=green pants
str4wb3rry=grenades press r to use
g3ck0=200 wumpa
coff33=500 wumpa
turn on game while holding l & r=spyro party usa or spyro party
#29 fear cynder 15:28:01 17/01/2010
haha, these cheats r funny! i don't know about the crash version, though... smilie smilie smilie
#28 Ice Dragoness 18:02:00 06/10/2009
Can you try and get the cheats for the Crash version?
#27 Malefor_Rules 05:06:21 24/12/2008
Nice Spyro and Crash in the same game in a fight AWSOME
#26 HannahJuly 15:55:08 22/09/2008
Yea, the sheep one IS working now
#25 Sails_the_fox 19:27:29 21/07/2008
i want cheats to make spyro fly forever!
#24 HannahJuly 18:57:43 25/06/2008
The sheep one doesn't work but the orange one sure does!
#23 American Spyro 23:43:45 28/04/2008
I just tried some cheats and their AWSOME!
#22 jimmy dragon 13:54:43 21/04/2008
i know that code and thanks to it since i completed the game a few hours ago.
#21 spyrofan 02:42:23 19/02/2008
nice easy game smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
#20 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 19:15:04 16/02/2008
Read the first paragraph.
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