12:38 AM - Wednesday the 27th of February, 2013 - by dark52
Despite the wording of a press release for the event in New York that took place earlier this month, it seems that Ninjini is about to hit retail already. Lots of forum members have been reporting getting confirmation from Toys R Us stores in the US that she will start to be released there as early as tomorrow.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/giants/pack_giant_9.jpg)

Yessssssss! Can't wauit!

Sweet! Second comment!
Wonder if the gamestop sidekick deal is still on?
Wonder if the gamestop sidekick deal is still on?

Finally it'll be over. Only to be supplanted by another installment, ugh.

Finally i can beat the game
Been waiting for all the giants to come out before i actually beat the game for the first time.
Been waiting for all the giants to come out before i actually beat the game for the first time.

*applauds myself for being right*

Well, not QUITE the last of the Giants...we still have Scarlet Ninjini...

Heh. Some people would be kicking themselves by now for spending $500 on a Ninjini.

Looks like I'm taking a ride to Toys R Us soon...

My TrUs had 10, i called as soon as I saw the presser, which was about 20 min. After they opened, and they had one left. They wouldn't hold it for me so I drove about 20-25 min. To get there and it was sold 5 min. Before I walked in. GRrrr!

This better not be like the last time when
was a the toy fair in New York and I drove to my toys r us in Florida looking for
I didn't noticed the part were it said only in Times Square New York.

good now i will have all the giants for myself. now i still got to work on my kids collection.

And yet I sit here still missing Bouncer....

Yes! I've been waiting for this. And my birthday is the 5th. Happy Birthday to me

If your reading this post it's more that likely too late. Hopefully there will be more available next week. The toy r us here in Modesto ca, only received 8-10 of them and were sold out in less that 10 minutes.

I might get her. 
She and Thumpback are my favourite giants.

She and Thumpback are my favourite giants.

Quote: joseph235
That's a lot of self control---but from a playing experience I TOTALLY understand why.
Finally i can beat the game
Been waiting for all the giants to come out before i actually beat the game for the first time.
That's a lot of self control---but from a playing experience I TOTALLY understand why.

my Toys R Us said 'sold out' they only got 8 in the shipment - was there 30 minutes after the store opened

my TRU had about 25 of them, there was a line of about 20 and a few more stragglers after the doors opened. They were gone within 30 minutes (mostly due to the slow line of paying). 1 each was the rule, so i brought all my friends and kep all 25 for myself...haha, just kidding.

I just went to Amazon and they had her in stock for $14.99. Sweet

I love
so i will have her


I can't wait! She is the only giant I don't have. Plus the Magic Lightcore, Pop Fizz.

I can't wait to get Ninjini! She seems like a very excellent Skylander.

I got ninjini today now i need scarlet ninjini

My hole house loves playing the Spyro games. This hole Skylanders thing is nice my children love playing both the Spyros Adventure and the Giants. I just wish the hard to find Skylanders where more reasonably priced so I could afford to buy them to finish out my children's collection. We are taking are time and spending a little time every night leveling up every Skylander we have so far.

Ok my uncle is having a new contest and you can get Whisper Elf, Legendary Lightcore Chill or Scarlet Ninjini Free if certain goals are met. All you have to do is sub and post a comment on one of his homeless vids. I dont like this particular one because it is featuring my arch rival ThunderGalaxy ... http://youtu.be/obElAZD1ilM read the description for details on how to win...

Finally got my paws on Ninjini last night at a local Game Stop store.

We got ours- But we got 2 and I would rather give one away than give it to my nemesis Thundergalaxy1964 http://youtu.be/hHM-gNIPCPQ

I got ninjini last Friday. When will scarlet ninjini de released in the US?

I got Ninjini at Walmart and bought her and I left the 2 other ones there so someone can buy her
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