12:57 PM - Thursday the 21st of February, 2013 - by dark52
The yellow version of Hot Dog appears to have begun hitting the shelves of Walmart according to reports from forum members of sightings of the exclusive Molten Hot Dog in a few stores.
Molten Hot Dog is much like the regular Hot Dog that you can already find in the Scorpion Striker Battle Pack, except his colours are switched around being red where he was yellow and yellow where he was red. He is an in-game variant much like Granite Crusher, Punch Pop Fizz and Gnarly Tree Rex so he will appear that way in-game. In the United States he will be exclusive to Walmart, exclusivity arrangements in other countries are unknown at this time.
And recently the Legendary LightCore Chill toy has begun showing up in Canadian Toys R Us stores, if it follows the pattern of the previous post-launch Legendaries it shouldn't be too much longer before she is available in further countries. Being a Legendary she is of course an exclusive to Toys R Us.
Molten Hot Dog is much like the regular Hot Dog that you can already find in the Scorpion Striker Battle Pack, except his colours are switched around being red where he was yellow and yellow where he was red. He is an in-game variant much like Granite Crusher, Punch Pop Fizz and Gnarly Tree Rex so he will appear that way in-game. In the United States he will be exclusive to Walmart, exclusivity arrangements in other countries are unknown at this time.
And recently the Legendary LightCore Chill toy has begun showing up in Canadian Toys R Us stores, if it follows the pattern of the previous post-launch Legendaries it shouldn't be too much longer before she is available in further countries. Being a Legendary she is of course an exclusive to Toys R Us.

I need both of those variants!

I need one !
dang it almost first post
dang it almost first post

Cool, and on the Legendary Chill, does she light up like the original lightcore Chill? Just asking because she has the lightcore chill pose.

I know where I'm going today!

That guy...WAS RIGHT! I cant believe it!

Yes! I've been waiting for
! He's sooo cute!

what lights up on

He doesn't look that much different from the original one.

Where's Spyro?

Yes!! Oh wait. Not in Australia. Dangit.

For all those people who are asking, L-Chill's Ice Javelin illuminates a blue light. She also has LightCore packaging.

sweet can't wait!! i am so excited

Can anyone confirm if molten hot dog is out in California?

^There are sellers on Ebay that live in California and have Molten Hot Dog in hand.

^4 above,
Thanks, I didn't know if it would light up or not. But isn't the regular Lightcore Chill's Ice Javelin light up blue? I thought it might be one of the Legendary colors, perhaps white.
Thanks, I didn't know if it would light up or not. But isn't the regular Lightcore Chill's Ice Javelin light up blue? I thought it might be one of the Legendary colors, perhaps white.

Going to Wally World tomorrow to see if he is there. I live in NY.

I wish my small town wal-mart would get some of these. We've had the same 'limited edition' tech skylander as the only one in-stock since the game came out.

I went to one Wal-Mart in CO and called another and there is no sign of him here

I think that he looks awesome ingame, but his art and figure look very cheap and saturated.

Sunson yes I can cobfurm ca has recieved shipment

I need to get them both!!!!!!!!!!!

Officially available at walmart.com

Activision wants money. They're getting it...

Mmmm, tangy!
*I like Molten Hotdog, but I don't even have normal Hot dog, actually, I should just get the variant*
*I like Molten Hotdog, but I don't even have normal Hot dog, actually, I should just get the variant*

we also have pack shots of wave 4

I found a Molten Hot Dog just now at my local Walmart. Store #100 across from WM Home office in Bentonville, AR.. (only 1 though;( The release date according to WM is 3/1.

So cool, I might get it, but Im saving my money for something else...

If only I had a stockpile of money so I could buy all of these guys.

Walmart's sol out online, dangit...

Just got molten hot dog yesterday, walmart had over 100 stocks of molten hotdog lol it was invaded by hot dogs

Today I went to a very small town in Oklahoma. There was a small Walmart that only had two isles for video games and movies, but there was only 1 Molten Hot and a couple of other figures.

I have Molten Hot Dog and he is adorable! Got him at Walmart

That's mean MHD, you don't have to hit it.

Aw! Molten Hot Dog is cute

Quote: BlazeHeatnix28
i have all of them. got legendary chill at toysrus UNITED STATES. i think its available on toysrus.com
my cousin found molten hot dog at walmart, there was only one of him left.
Quote: SkyWorldGod
yeah she lights up, but ... i didnt know lightcore chill was out ?! i never seen her before..
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
hells yeah, but i hope all the money i invested in this game dont go to waste and activision improves and go above and beyond with this.. who knows this might be the next pokemon !
Quote: Ryanator20x6
yeah but that's what makes it fun to collect !
I need both of those variants!
i have all of them. got legendary chill at toysrus UNITED STATES. i think its available on toysrus.com
my cousin found molten hot dog at walmart, there was only one of him left.
Quote: SkyWorldGod
Cool, and on the Legendary Chill, does she light up like the original lightcore Chill? Just asking because she has the lightcore chill pose.
yeah she lights up, but ... i didnt know lightcore chill was out ?! i never seen her before..
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
Activision wants money. They're getting it...
hells yeah, but i hope all the money i invested in this game dont go to waste and activision improves and go above and beyond with this.. who knows this might be the next pokemon !
Quote: Ryanator20x6
If only I had a stockpile of money so I could buy all of these guys.
yeah but that's what makes it fun to collect !
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