12:19 PM - Friday the 1st of February, 2013 - by dark52
To help heighten the visible interest in Skylanders just before Toy Fair 2013 (and the likely reveal of the next game), Activision and Toys R Us are set to hold an event in Toys R Us Times Square where they will give an "opportunity to receive" a Ninjini figure to the "first fans to line up".
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/giants/c_ninjini.jpg)
This is all happening next week, on Tuesday the 5th of February at 4PM (make sure to get there earlier). There are also other exclusive savings on offer just in case you don't happen to be lucky enough for the Ninjini.
And, more importantly to those of us who won't be able to make it, the press release says that it'll be "months" before Ninjini will hit retail shelves, so it looks like it's time to get waiting all over again.
Full details of the event are in the press release below:
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/giants/c_ninjini.jpg)
This is all happening next week, on Tuesday the 5th of February at 4PM (make sure to get there earlier). There are also other exclusive savings on offer just in case you don't happen to be lucky enough for the Ninjini.
And, more importantly to those of us who won't be able to make it, the press release says that it'll be "months" before Ninjini will hit retail shelves, so it looks like it's time to get waiting all over again.
Full details of the event are in the press release below:
WHAT: Months before the Skylanders Giants character, Ninjini, hits retail shelves, kids and their families are invited to The World's Greatest Toy Store™ to be among the first in the world to get their hands on the must-have Skylanders Giants character, while supplies last. To celebrate the annual International Toy Fair taking place in New York City this month, Activision Publishing Inc. and Toys"R"Us are partnering to host a special event at Toys"R"Us Times Square, the company's international flagship store. The first fans to line up along Broadway for the event will have an opportunity to receive a complimentary Ninjini figure before it is officially available for purchase in North America.
Consumers can take advantage of one-day exclusive, Toys"R"Us Times Square store offers: $25 off Skylanders Giants Starter Pack; "buy 2, get 1 free" Giant Skylanders figures until store closing.
Also at the event, kids will have the unique opportunity to meet their favorite Skylanders characters, experience the year's most popular game at in-store game kiosks and receive other fun Skylanders Giants giveaways.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 5
Activities and giveaways begin promptly 4pm
Toys"R"Us Times Square will be open during normal business hours (10am - 10pm)
WHERE: 1514 Broadway at 44th Street
New York, NY
(Media must enter through the 44th Street Associate Entrance)
ACTIVITIES: Gaming kiosks, displays and stations
Fun activities, games, giveaways and more!
• Visuals/interviews with excited kids and fans in line
• Costumed characters, fun activities and live giveaways
• Calendar and event listings as a fun activity for families
• Attend with your kids

ont going. waste of time, and the scalpers will be all over it. >.>;

Scarlet ninjini I bet.

It's REGULAR Ninjini.
It's REGULAR Ninjini.

Noooooooo! I won't be able to go
..... Wait..... Activision and Frito Lay should do a contest instead, from Feb. 18 till the end of the month ( that's when the slips should be sent in). Buyers send in a slip, and a UPC code. There could be 1 drawing everyday from March 1st to March 14th.. Whoever's slip is picked will get a free
, which could be shipped to the winner's house between March 18th and April 1st. The winner would get a phone call, saying that they won
! Who agrees?

Wish these events came to England :/

Allllll over this!

I won't be able to get there in time, so I'll just wait until they sell it normally. No problem!

ahhhh its not in australia

I don't mean to sound negative about this, but why must we all wait until summer for the last few figures to arrive?

Need to go! Need
! Hope I can get there in time! I'm getting the best last!

I have no idea how, but one of my neighbors has Ninjini. He says he's got some relatives that have access or something like that. Still trying to get him to sell it (i'm offering like almost $45 for it).

any news from what's happening out there? the event was supposed to happen right about now.

Wait, it says months before it hits retail shelves, does that mean we might have to wait till May or June to get a figure. Many people won't be playing anymore. Is this a typo?

The prices are ending at around $200 on eBay. But remember kids, Activision isn't catering to scalpers. It says so on their web site, so it has to be true.

in us of a

Come on I didn't read the thing close enugh. I didn't know it was only in New York, I went to Toys R Us for nothing!

Just got Ninjini in Best Buy Watertown NY, probably could of got them all and put them on eBay at 40 a piece but I'm not like that i'll let others in the area get a chance at them since it's the only store in this area that has her.

Got her with Thumpback and Eye Brawl!

Just ordered her in the Netherlands ( www.bartsmit.nl )
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