Skylanders: Lost Islands


13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Once the Trap Masters arrived in the Lost Islands so too did the Villains. They occasionally wandered your islands where, if you had a matching elemental trap (earned by clearing some Traptanium with a Trap Master), you could capture them to get a temporary boost to some aspect of the game.

Each villain would escape again after a certain amount of time so it was wise to plan ahead.

Bone Chompy
Bone Chompy
Bone Chompies pop out of chompy mounds! Catch them for a better reward!
Broccoli Guy
Broccoli Guy
Radiant Crops cost Gold!
Buzzer Beak
Buzzer Beak
Invaders appear more often!
Chef Pepper Jack
Chef Pepper Jack
Increases the chances of other Villains to appear in the Lost Islands!
Chill Bill
Chill Bill
Freeze the locks on chests to clear them instantly!
Chomp Chest
Chomp Chest
Chests come alive! Tap a chest multiple times after it opens for an extra reward.
Chompy Mage
Chompy Mage
A Giant Chompy escapes from all defeated Chompy Pods. Tap it multiple times for a big Reward!
Dr. Krankcase
Dr. Krankcase
Reduces the cost to power Elemental Sanctuaries by half!
Skylanders receive twice as many Hero Points!
Golden Queen
Golden Queen
Gives 25% MORE Gold from Sanctuaries AND increases your chance at better Rewards!
Remove trees, rocks, weeds, and other Clutter instantly!
The Gulper
The Gulper
Raises your Luck Meter twice as fast!
Adventures have a chance to reward Gems!
Night Shade
Night Shade
Invaders drop more Gold!
Get a chest from all mobs!
Rage Mage
Rage Mage
Increases all Decoration Bonuses by up to 20%!
Sheep Creep
Sheep Creep
A Giant Sheep escapes from all defeated Sheep Mobs. Tap it multiple times for a big reward!
Captures any escapees for you!
Tussle Sprout
Tussle Sprout
Trees and plants that produce Gems will grow more often in your kingdom! Clear them for big rewards!
Reduce the cost of Skylander Spins by half!


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