4:42 PM - Wednesday the 8th of August, 2012 - by dark52
It looks like Activision are once again taking the Skylanders on a tour of Europe. It apparently starts this Saturday, the 11th of August, in the Birmingham Bullring. Further dates and locations are detailed below.
Quote: Toy World
See the official website for more details as well as a few games to play.
Quote: Toy World
The tour will offer fans multiple ways to get to know their favourite Skylanders, and a first look at Skylanders Giants, the new addition to the franchise set to come to homes this Autumn.
The Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Arena Tour kicks off in the UK on Saturday 11th August, making a first appearance at Birmingham's Bullring Centre before heading down to London for family festival LolliBop from 17-19th August. It will then travel to the Destination Jeux festival in France (22nd-23rd August), Breman and Centro in Germany (25th August and 31st/1st September), Stockholm (7-8th September), Milan (15-16th September), Madrid (22nd-23rd September), and Paris (29th September), before a final stopover in the Netherlands (6-7th October).
All of the Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Tour arenas will offer fans multiple gameplay opportunities, as well as a wealth of other interactive and entertaining activities.
See the official website for more details as well as a few games to play.

Why can't it come to Ireland

And Eastern Europe too...

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Why do things never come to New Zealand? I guess we're just too small... but it's all worth it! KIWIS FOREVER!

Wow! Europe is so lucky. That tour seems really awesome.

I'm Spanish so how can I get the tickets when the tour comes to Madrid?

Why wont it come to the united states?

I suppose I could go to the one in Birmingham if I really wanted to.

Man i wish i could go.....

Why can't it come too South-Africa

America?! PLEASE?!?!?!?!

My mom is in london and if I knew this I would have asked her to take pics!!!!!!
yet I'm so sad

i wish it could be in the us

D&^% I LIVE IN AMERICA! * im still lucky that i have the sidekicks*


Ugh! Why couldn't they come over here to Texas!

You know Americans would pay for this... can the tour come here next??! Pretty Pleeease??!

Lucky, lucky, lucky... Grrr europe.

I wish they had a Skylanders Arena Tour at the Mall of America, I'd definitely go to that.
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