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12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Despite a full relaunch just over a year ago Skylanders Ring of Heroes has unfortunately reached the end of its life and is about to be shut down. Announced earlier today via an in-game banner, the game is due to cease all operation on the 28th of Februrary 2022 and has already switched off all in-app purchases.

[User Posted Image]

Those of you who have unused currency that you paid real money for will be able to get a refund for it provided you still have it at the close of service. See the full Hive message for more details.
#1 Bifrost 11:51:35 30/12/2021
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
#2 somePerson 15:16:08 30/12/2021
#3 Strawberry15 18:21:40 30/12/2021
I didn't play it, but it's gonna be sad to see the last remaining piece of Skylanders die. Now the only thing keeping Spyro alive and relevant is the potential Spyro 4 or if they decide to remake a different Spyro game. I still think Skylanders would be great as a free to play game, maybe even a MOBA or something. It's not the same as collecting figures but that fad is long gone unfortunately and digital is the way of the future. I think it could work, especially if they put it on switch and other consoles as well as mobile.
#6 Flaccid Hot Dog 16:49:21 03/01/2022
My favorite phone game, SROH. It was fun while it lasted smilie
#7 ThunderEgg 20:57:07 03/01/2022
rip ring of heroes
#8 Kevin16 14:50:09 11/01/2022
Funny how people are even surprised.. game basically died on arrival, literally got 0 advertizing and became a fossil once they decided it was a good idea to kill the progress of the 5 people who even played this by making this worse, revamped version, this game felt more like a bootleg than anything official.

Whatever, Skylanders is dead, Activision doesn't even have faith in the original Spyro anymore and i honestly don't want that joke of a company to touch Spyro or Skylanders ever again, sad that it had to be this way but oh well.
#9 SkylandrPurists 00:59:14 14/01/2022
Dang, Skylanders is basically slowly fading out.

Well, at least we have the memories...and the figures of the main games.
#10 CountMoneyBone 11:39:19 15/01/2022
good, this mobile microtransaction infested crap lived to long already.
#11 ralph8MAN 13:43:22 10/02/2022
It's very sad. It's a shame it has to be this way.
#12 Wishblade 23:34:32 28/02/2022
Feeling sad today. Y'all are the only ones who understand.
#13 yuvalyly 16:59:01 03/03/2022
I don't understand why does this game need the servers for single player. And even if it's for things like cloud saves, then how hard could it possibly be to change it to save on the device?
#14 Muffin Man 21:26:51 19/03/2022
It's such a shame that games like this just...cease to exist. Same thing recently happened to Dr. Mario World. I guess that is the inevitable fate of all mobile games, sooner or later.
#15 CountMoneyBone 14:57:15 20/03/2022
Quote: Muffin Man
It's such a shame that games like this just...cease to exist. Same thing recently happened to Dr. Mario World. I guess that is the inevitable fate of all mobile games, sooner or later.

mobile games are only made to milk your wallet, and when the earnings stop the game get shutdown. lesson from this is: never waste your time playing mobile games.
#16 ThunderEgg 18:25:38 20/03/2022
Quote: Muffin Man
It's such a shame that games like this just...cease to exist. Same thing recently happened to Dr. Mario World. I guess that is the inevitable fate of all mobile games, sooner or later.

#17 JLrosen 20:07:18 26/03/2022
I'm just now hearing about this. The franchise is truly dead now.
#18 Riser 12:34:09 15/04/2022
Same, just learned about this too! Felt like a swift death, as I loved the game before the relaunch and tried to play the relaunched version but nopeddd out when I saw how aggressive the microtransactions were! no thanks!
#19 Swap Force Fan 18:10:47 26/07/2022
Can't believe that's it for Skylanders. What I would do to go back to when the series was flourishing back in 2011-2014 again. </3

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