7:14 PM - Monday the 16th of April, 2007 - by dark52
For no other reason than that I had access to a load of Spyro related images, I've added brand new galleries and brand new images to already existing galleries for several of the games.
We've got additions for Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, Spyro: A Hero's Tail, Spyro: Fusion, Spyro: Adventure, and Spyro: Season of Ice.
We've got additions for Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, Spyro: A Hero's Tail, Spyro: Fusion, Spyro: Adventure, and Spyro: Season of Ice.

Cool! Nice pics!

Thanks Dark52 =) :Happy:

Cool pics, dark52!

awesome pics very cool

Uh.... pictures yay!

The pictures are awesome! How did you get access to them?

Wow, these are awesome.

<.< >.>
Interesting choice of user name.... <.<
Interesting choice of user name.... <.<

Think you could add some more Legend of Spyro screenshots? Get a few of the characters and the levels, and some pictures of Cynder mebbe :3

Are people never satisfied?
Are people never satisfied?

Awesomely awesome! Thanks!

Quote: RedWelshDragon
Their satisfaction only leads to a desire for more. >.>
Are people never satisfied?
Their satisfaction only leads to a desire for more. >.>

Quote: HIR
I suppose....
Quote: RedWelshDragonAre people never satisfied?
Their satisfaction only leads to a desire for more. >.>
I suppose....

Love our lord?!
Or something along those lines.... e_e
Or something along those lines.... e_e

Quote: HIR
No, it's Look out Loser. I'm not directing that at anyone, K? But yes, back to the Galleries. I really like the SOI ones!
Love our lord?!
Or something along those lines.... e_e
No, it's Look out Loser. I'm not directing that at anyone, K? But yes, back to the Galleries. I really like the SOI ones!

Me too.

lol,,,i LOVE your avvi AV!ive put it on my spyro presentation!....I LOVE THE GALLERIES!ive got the AHT spyro one

what avvi do you love mabey ill lover it to
and i love these pics to there awsome thanks dark
and i love these pics to there awsome thanks dark

i love artiste_violet's....but no offence but, i dont like your's...its ember, and i HATE ember.sorry for the off-topic

Great pics, dark52. Keep up the good work
P.S. Talking about avvies is good on this topic 'cause it's about galleries which are about pictures and avvies are pictures.

P.S. Talking about avvies is good on this topic 'cause it's about galleries which are about pictures and avvies are pictures.

I suppose that is true. >.>

I LOVE THE GALLERIES!ive saved ALL the pics into my file!the one of spyro in AHT in the beginning bit (the background one) is on as my desktop background!

I've now also added a small Spyro: Year of the Dragon gallery with a few screenshots and some wallpapers.

kool! 50 spyro pics, HERE I COME!

When is your Spyrio presentation, LoS? And nice screenshots Dark52

In case anyone is interested, I've just moved a few more images into the Spyro: Season of Ice gallery.

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