Spyro: Adventure


The map kind of makes me wish there really was a giant bunny boss in the game.

Image 1 of 10 is the CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!Cute little sheepy!Wusy wusy wusy boo!!!LOL I want a pet sheep like that!!

Quote:"the world map reminds me of the original Rayman for some reason ".
Well, for some ways it is.
Well, for some ways it is.

the world map reminds me of the original Rayman for some reason

What the heck is with the sheep?

i agreewith you amercain spyro the artwork does need more pics.

The artwork needs more pics.

dark52 do you draw this?

i like the first sheep

nice sheep

Awww! the sheepies are very cute!!! + funny!!

peretty cool

AWWW!!!!!! I totally agree with BlinktheCookie, I love the sheep!!!!!!!!
DD pwetty pwetty adowable sheepy!!!!


Me like da sheepies.Pretty sheep!

30 is the Virtual Playground.
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