From today we here at darkSpyro are introducing a totally new way for you to help the website and in doing so bring to life many of your oft-requested features. The

dS Coin is our brand new currency that you can use to gain access to all of the newly developed features and extra customisations of your experience here on
Obviously we can't expect you to jump on board without trying a few things out first so we have given each and every one of you a
starting balance of a whopping

1,000, enough to make hundreds of posts! You'll be able to put it towards many different things like posts, topics, titles, avatars, skins, usernames, signatures, your own personal board, and much much more!
prices start at just $5 for

500 and get more competitive the more you spend at once. Those of you who are unable to or can't afford to actually
buy any

dS Coin you'll be excited to hear that we also offer a

conversion service where you can transform your hard earned Gems into the brand new currency with great ease. It may take a while to build up enough

to turn into enough

to purchase the more expensive items but it will be well worth the wait when you finally get there.
Lastly, since this is just the beginning the prices are still in flux as we figure things out, while we're doing that you have our guarantee that if a price in

ds Coin goes down within 30 days of purchase we will refund you the

dS Coin difference. And, of course, if a price goes up there will be no extra charge.