10:59 PM - Thursday the 25th of April, 2013 - by dark52
Today I'm proud to reveal that darkSpyro has joined the Curse network of sites. It's something I've been working on for a few months now, the recent server transfer and subsequent increased stability and performance of the site was the first part of the transition, the only visible change today is the addition of a new footer!
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/curse.jpg)
Over the last nine years darkSpyro has grown significantly while following the Spyro and Skylanders series of games, thanks in no small part to the amazing community that has built up here over the years. Curse will be instrumental in helping the site to keep on growing in the future to meet the needs of the community.
Throughout the coming year we're going to continue to bring you all the news and coverage for the third game in the series, Skylanders Swap Force, that you've come to expect as well as make improvements to the site and the forums behind the scenes.
I am also now running a site for Curse called Infinity Guru. As the name might suggest Infinity Guru is focused on the upcoming videogame Disney Infinity, the game is due for release in August so it shouldn't directly interfere with any Skylanders work here. You can see that site here: http://www.infinityguru.com/
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/curse.jpg)
Over the last nine years darkSpyro has grown significantly while following the Spyro and Skylanders series of games, thanks in no small part to the amazing community that has built up here over the years. Curse will be instrumental in helping the site to keep on growing in the future to meet the needs of the community.
Throughout the coming year we're going to continue to bring you all the news and coverage for the third game in the series, Skylanders Swap Force, that you've come to expect as well as make improvements to the site and the forums behind the scenes.
I am also now running a site for Curse called Infinity Guru. As the name might suggest Infinity Guru is focused on the upcoming videogame Disney Infinity, the game is due for release in August so it shouldn't directly interfere with any Skylanders work here. You can see that site here: http://www.infinityguru.com/


whats a footer?!

I cant wait for Disney Infinity.

Is it time for the old users to grump around about the olden days when guests posted and we didn't have a PM system yet? No? Okay... ._.

NO (dramatically extend that in slow motion in your head please?)!
Curse sites tend to lag and glitch up my computer, not sure why, but probably my location. Oh well, this shouldn't be too bad. Maybe we'll have larger avatar and signature limits.
Curse sites tend to lag and glitch up my computer, not sure why, but probably my location. Oh well, this shouldn't be too bad. Maybe we'll have larger avatar and signature limits.

Hmm... I think I'll stay quiet here...

The footer is huge!

This footer is below everything, I noticed it just a moment ago, after reading article. Is it going to be pulled up or anywhere?



So that explains the obnoxiously large ad thingy at the bottom....

So... why? I mean what is Curse anyway?

can you maybe shorten the footer a little bit?

Quote: LegendaryFlames
It's a network of sites primarily focused on online gaming (usually PC). In other words, we've been conquered by the PC Master Race! *shot* x.x
So... why? I mean what is Curse anyway?
It's a network of sites primarily focused on online gaming (usually PC). In other words, we've been conquered by the PC Master Race! *shot* x.x

Well, that sounds....cool.

There are so many things to fix here, but... You made the site slower...

What is that terrible ad, dear lord. It's a bad eyesore.

Just a note, this is bringing up Malware warnings on mine, and other, computers. I assume this is the cause, as all was fine before (the warnings appear when on the forums.)

Dear gosh, that ad really looks like it has no work put into it.

I haven't really noticed anything yet...
Like no slowing/speeding up, malware, etc.
Like no slowing/speeding up, malware, etc.

Quote: dark52
I doubt Infiniti Guru is gonna be better than Skylanders
Today I'm proud to reveal that darkSpyro has joined the Curse network of sites. It's something I've been working on for a few months now, the recent server transfer and subsequent increased stability and performance of the site was the first part of the transition, the only visible change today is the addition of a new footer!
Over the last nine years darkSpyro has grown significantly while following the Spyro and Skylanders series of games, thanks in no small part to the amazing community that has built up here over the years. Curse will be instrumental in helping the site to keep on growing in the future to meet the needs of the community.
Throughout the coming year we're going to continue to bring you all the news and coverage for the third game in the series, Skylanders Swap Force, that you've come to expect as well as make improvements to the site and the forums behind the scenes.
I am also now running a site for Curse called Infinity Guru. As the name might suggest Infinity Guru is focused on the upcoming videogame Disney Infinity, the game is due for release in August so it shouldn't directly interfere with any Skylanders work here. You can see that site here: http://www.infinityguru.com/
I doubt Infiniti Guru is gonna be better than Skylanders
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