I've finally made a start on my walkthrough for Spyro: A Hero's Tail. And that's not a typo in the title.
A Hero's Tail
The whole first level is complete! Yay. That includes all Dark Gems, Light Gems and Dragon Eggs along with a lot more too. And as well as that, I've edited the map that I put up yesterday for Dragon Village, it now has all the locations marked on it. Click on the Dragon Village title on the Dragon Kingdom page to get to it.
A Hero's Tail
The whole first level is complete! Yay. That includes all Dark Gems, Light Gems and Dragon Eggs along with a lot more too. And as well as that, I've edited the map that I put up yesterday for Dragon Village, it now has all the locations marked on it. Click on the Dragon Village title on the Dragon Kingdom page to get to it.

The game is incredibly easy, so you have all the stuff on cpu of the entire Dragon Village? That's cool. Uh, I could give you tips if you like. I have no idea when you posted this so I don't know if you finished the game or not. And why can't they keep Spyro on one system! It isn't fair I dont have DS...

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