The lineup for the next wave of Skyanders has been detailed thanks to (but unfortunately no exact release date). For brand new characters you'll be able to find Double Trouble, Cynder, and Slam Bam. You will also apparently be able to find the previously exclusive characters Whirlwind and Drill Sergeant for wider purchase.
![[User Posted Image]](//
You will be able to get them in the following combinations:
A Triple Pack containing Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant and Double Trouble.
Single Packs of Cynder, Double Trouble, Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant.
And the Adventure Pack "Empire of Ice" with Slam Bam.
As for release date, a German catalogue gives them a vague "January" release date but who knows?
![[User Posted Image]](
You will be able to get them in the following combinations:
A Triple Pack containing Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant and Double Trouble.
Single Packs of Cynder, Double Trouble, Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant.
And the Adventure Pack "Empire of Ice" with Slam Bam.
As for release date, a German catalogue gives them a vague "January" release date but who knows?
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Yay! Can't wait to get Cynder and Whirlwind. Last time I was at Target I didn't find her, so I guess I'll have to wait until she's in the other stores. Oh well.

Alright! Cynder is on her way!

That's great Cynder's coming, now there won't be so many "WHEN'S CYNDER COMING OUT? WHEN??????? I WANT CYNDER!!" posts.
Anyway, that's also great Double Trouble's coming, I really want to buy him and see how good he is and finish my Magic element.
Slam Bam looks pretty cool too.
Anyway, that's also great Double Trouble's coming, I really want to buy him and see how good he is and finish my Magic element.
Slam Bam looks pretty cool too.

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Love skylanders oh yeah oh yeah

Will everyone be getting them on the same date or is it gonna be like the last wave?
Does anybody know?
Hope it's the same dident like that europe had to wait so long for wave 2.
Does anybody know?
Hope it's the same dident like that europe had to wait so long for wave 2.

Joseph, stop double posting...

The release dates aren't known, yet.
They just know who's going to be in the next wave.
They just know who's going to be in the next wave.

Cynder? Yay!
And I might get the Empire of Ice adventure pack, for the level itself.
...Timing of its release seems late...if it does have dat Santa hat...
And I might get the Empire of Ice adventure pack, for the level itself.
...Timing of its release seems late...if it does have dat Santa hat...

is coming out! I had not been playing my game because I need her for the game finishing. I have half the eternal sources.

I might pick them all up
Not all that wild about Cynder, honestly
Not saying I won't add her to the collection
I just won't use her as much
Not all that wild about Cynder, honestly
Not saying I won't add her to the collection
I just won't use her as much

I really want a new level hope it's longer then pirate sea and darklight crypt

If it weren't for the fact that she's the only dragonoid of the undead element, I probably wouldn't want to acquire Cynder. I find her to be a bit annoying so far in this version... of course, I don't know much at this point, but it's just that she's pink and purple, and has a bra on...

Great! I will want the triple pack with Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant and Double Trouble and the Empire of Ice pack.

Awesome. I can't wait. Lets just hope that they will be easier to find because I still haven't got wave 2.

Double Trouble will be the final Magic Skylander, Cynder will be the final Undead Skylander, and Slam-Bam will be the third Water Skylander!
I still think it would have been a smarter move for them to release the Empire of Ice BEFORE Christmas though
Double Trouble will be the final Magic Skylander, Cynder will be the final Undead Skylander, and Slam-Bam will be the third Water Skylander!
I still think it would have been a smarter move for them to release the Empire of Ice BEFORE Christmas though

Trop cool !!!

sorry , my speak french

Oh no aura look someone else double posted
Go get em LOL
Go get em LOL

^YOU also double posted, little joseph.

Nice that wave 3 is finally on the way....I still find it very weird that there are not more "air" elements being released yet???
If you were not able to get Whirl-wind at first, your only option was Sonic-boom and even he...I think it's a she was sooo hard to find!!!
If you were not able to get Whirl-wind at first, your only option was Sonic-boom and even he...I think it's a she was sooo hard to find!!!

Cynder's finnaly out!

Rasigar clearly confused himself when skimmed through the post in his own excitement, and only saw the words 'Cynder, released'. Cynder isn't out yet till next month.

Quote: LevanJess
Those are quite annoying, especially on topics about the silver Skylanders or whatever.
That's great Cynder's coming, now there won't be so many "WHEN'S CYNDER COMING OUT? WHEN??????? I WANT CYNDER!!" posts.
Those are quite annoying, especially on topics about the silver Skylanders or whatever.

Haha, yep. That's what I mean. When people always say how much they want Cynder on unrelated things like Silver Skylanders topics/FB posts and such.

Quote: LevanJess
those were annoying, but personally I couldn't wait for her to come out either! X-D
this is a tiny bit off topic, but I went to get a new skylander today and they only had, wait for it, THREE on the shelves! and i already had those ones! >:-(
That's great Cynder's coming, now there won't be so many "WHEN'S CYNDER COMING OUT? WHEN??????? I WANT CYNDER!!" posts.
Anyway, that's also great Double Trouble's coming, I really want to buy him and see how good he is and finish my Magic element.
Slam Bam looks pretty cool too.
those were annoying, but personally I couldn't wait for her to come out either! X-D
this is a tiny bit off topic, but I went to get a new skylander today and they only had, wait for it, THREE on the shelves! and i already had those ones! >:-(

Aw, I completely understand what you mean.
I just meant when people say it in things like Silver Skylanders posts and such. And when there's multiple topics asking about it.
I just meant when people say it in things like Silver Skylanders posts and such. And when there's multiple topics asking about it.

So Whirlwind is currently going for $80ish on ebay... Whoever is paying that much is going to feel stupid once more are released for more than $70 less...

I'm surprised that the rest of the skylanders dates havent been leaked out. Especially with something as big as this.
Very impressed with how well they are able to keep the shipping dates a secret But would still like to know i'm not that impressed lol. normally somebody has leaked out something by now but for most part still very hush hush. I think there deciding on how much more money to jab us with.
well i guess that german magazine is a bit of a teller but not really.
Very impressed with how well they are able to keep the shipping dates a secret But would still like to know i'm not that impressed lol. normally somebody has leaked out something by now but for most part still very hush hush. I think there deciding on how much more money to jab us with.
well i guess that german magazine is a bit of a teller but not really.

Quote: LevanJess
You're right.
........They'll be replaced by "WHERE CAN I FIND CYNDER?" posts.
That's great Cynder's coming, now there won't be so many "WHEN'S CYNDER COMING OUT? WHEN??????? I WANT CYNDER!!" posts.
You're right.
........They'll be replaced by "WHERE CAN I FIND CYNDER?" posts.

You know, I never thought about that until now.
Hopefully there won't be so many of them everywhere.
Hopefully there won't be so many of them everywhere.

Quote: CAV
Personally, I won't mind those as long as they aren't in unrelated things (like the silver Skylanders topics or posts) and there aren't a million posts/topics asking about it.
........They'll be replaced by "WHERE CAN I FIND CYNDER?" posts.
Personally, I won't mind those as long as they aren't in unrelated things (like the silver Skylanders topics or posts) and there aren't a million posts/topics asking about it.

I'll mind, because there's absolutely no reason to ask.
If the store you live near doesn't have them, what the **** are you going to do? Go to the store near the user that answers your question?
If the store you live near doesn't have them, what the **** are you going to do? Go to the store near the user that answers your question?

Quote: CAV
That's so true. It annoys me that most people can find the answer faster by searching online anyway.
I'll mind, because there's absolutely no reason to ask.
If the store you live near doesn't have them, what the **** are you going to do? Go to the store near the user that answers your question?
That's so true. It annoys me that most people can find the answer faster by searching online anyway.

Quote: LevanJess
...Skylanders gets discussed on Facebook?
Haha, yep. That's what I mean. When people always say how much they want Cynder on unrelated things like Silver Skylanders topics/FB posts and such.
...Skylanders gets discussed on Facebook?

Quote: CAV
But I'm sure not too many people are really going to be stupid enough to not check the store near them first before asking (as long as she's not an exclusive character), thus there likely won't be as many posts asking where she is in contrast to the tons of posts exclaiming how much they want Cynder.
And if she's out of stock, it's still fairly obvious from everything posted here that she's going to be everywhere.
I'll mind, because there's absolutely no reason to ask.
If the store you live near doesn't have them, what the **** are you going to do? Go to the store near the user that answers your question?
But I'm sure not too many people are really going to be stupid enough to not check the store near them first before asking (as long as she's not an exclusive character), thus there likely won't be as many posts asking where she is in contrast to the tons of posts exclaiming how much they want Cynder.
And if she's out of stock, it's still fairly obvious from everything posted here that she's going to be everywhere.

Quote: CAV
There's no reason to constantly ask when she's going to be released over and over when it takes a little lurking, either.
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I'm actually not sure if there are status updates and things about it, to be honest.
I was talking about the Skylanders FB page. There were lots of posts on the Silver Skylanders FB post saying "I DONT CARE!!!! I WANT CYNDER!".
I'll mind, because there's absolutely no reason to ask.
There's no reason to constantly ask when she's going to be released over and over when it takes a little lurking, either.
Quote: sonicbrawler182
...Skylanders gets discussed on Facebook?
I'm actually not sure if there are status updates and things about it, to be honest.
I was talking about the Skylanders FB page. There were lots of posts on the Silver Skylanders FB post saying "I DONT CARE!!!! I WANT CYNDER!".

Quote: CAV
Have you ever heard of trolling?
I'll mind, because there's absolutely no reason to ask.
If the store you live near doesn't have them, what the **** are you going to do? Go to the store near the user that answers your question?
Have you ever heard of trolling?

The next month being January 2012!
The next month being January 2012!

Slam Bam looks like he has a certain disease...

Yes Slam Bam is coming out soon. January seems so far and hopefully Double Trouble and Cynder are out for my birthday haha. I'll pretend Slam Bam is trying to find Santa's hat in Empire of Ice and his friend Double Trouble will help him with it lol.

I'm so happy that Cynder is comming out next!

No Camo?!

Still no word from activision huh?
A sales person at eb games said they don't expect wave 3 till mid january. I hope he's wrong.
A sales person at eb games said they don't expect wave 3 till mid january. I hope he's wrong.

Am I the only person excited for Slam Bam? His ice attacks will really set him apart from the rest of the crew, and who doesn't love a 4 armed Yeti?

^ I agree.
I can't really wait for Slam Bam, I need another water Skylander and he looks real fun with his ice attacks.
I can't really wait for Slam Bam, I need another water Skylander and he looks real fun with his ice attacks.

Do you think they will give us an exact release date before they are in stores? Or is there a good possibility we'll see wave 3 in stores with the vague release dates we have now?
Also i plan on sleeping over or getting there early when wave 3 does arrive. Just don't know what store would be the best eb games or toys r us?
Any thoughts
Also i plan on sleeping over or getting there early when wave 3 does arrive. Just don't know what store would be the best eb games or toys r us?
Any thoughts

A question: Is Whirlwind coming out by herself also? I really don't want the other 2...

And another thing why is activision totally ignoring everyones questions about wave 3. They can't even reply back No sorry we don't have info or we can't give out info on them.
It's just rude when the don't give any kind of response back.
it would be nice to hear SOMETHING. Heck i'll even take bad news at this point it's better then total avoidence. LOL
It's just rude when the don't give any kind of response back.
it would be nice to hear SOMETHING. Heck i'll even take bad news at this point it's better then total avoidence. LOL
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