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12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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10:46 PM - Wednesday the 1st of June, 2011 - by dark52
If for some strange reason you were in doubt of Spyro's presence at this year's E3 then doubt no more.

Game Informer have received a teaser in the form of the Skylanders Spyro toy. E3 2011 starts on Tuesday next week, so not long left now.
#1 Thunderdragon14 22:53:04 01/06/2011
A "Pugron"?
They call Spyro's species a "Pugron"?
That was hilarious.
#2 gaul2 23:39:34 01/06/2011
Haha Purgon!That's so funny.
#3 HIR 00:13:42 02/06/2011
Purgon gets a 10/10. Best design comment ever. <.<;
#4 Darby 00:22:54 02/06/2011
Pug/Dragon. So true.

I remember when i was looking forward to E3 to see Spyro.
#5 CAV 00:23:26 02/06/2011
Old prediction/news is old.
#6 semp123 00:25:48 02/06/2011
This is Dark, remember?
#7 CAV 00:27:47 02/06/2011
I honestly can't think of a single person that didn't expect Skylanders to be at E3. It's getting far too much hype for it not to.
#8 PurpleEye 06:45:27 02/06/2011
PURGON!??!! Thats so funny!

I am glad to here that E3 are getting involved!
#9 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 15:29:51 02/06/2011
/sigh This is really just a E3 is next week reminder post. Don't take everything I say so literally.
#10 CAV 15:31:30 02/06/2011
Most people that care about E3 would already know when it is. Anyone that didn't know when it is doesn't really give one.
#11 sonicbrawler182 21:09:02 04/06/2011
Geez people, give the guy a break. He's just posting a reminder. Even if everyone does know when it is, it's still a nice gesture that he is going out of his way to tell us. smilie

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