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13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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8:21 PM - Monday the 17th of October, 2005 - by dark52
Five months on and I've finally finished off putting the Spyro the Dragon set of characters (88 in total), you can now find every single dragon in the Character Guide. Just another ten games to go... Oh, and I've added a thing on the right of the main page for some reason. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

In other news, the official website has been updated to promote Shadow Legacy, it doesn't really have anything new that we didn't already know, but there's a nicer link to the newest of the videos there.
#1 Neal 23:21:08 18/10/2005
I was told this game is at EB, but no one has one word to say on it! I checked Amaze Entertainment's site, VUG's site, EB Games, gamestats, gamespot, gamerankings, neoseeker, ign, and!!


I want to hear some reviews!


#2 Neal 03:53:31 19/10/2005
The lack of new news bothers it actually out? What the heck is going on with this game!

RottenTomatos, Nintendophiles, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, GameSpy, SpyroFanlistings, Gamer'sHell, gamer's fact... EVERY SPYRO GAME-RELATED SITE ON THE FIRST TWENTY PAGES OF GOOGLE...has not one word, review or ranking for this game!

Amaze entertainment, kind world, griptonite games, black label studios, ingram entertainment, adrenium games...these have all showed up as developers/distributors of this game All of their websites are identical (same layout, content, etc.), they have not been updated since may and shed not one word about this game! Now I am just getting pissed off!

Spyro may not be great anymore...meaning he has certainly gone down in goodness since Eclipse and Insomniac left...but he deserves waaaaaaaay better than this!

grrrrrrrr....hmmmmmmmmm....ho hum,

#3 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 12:40:16 19/10/2005
As far as I recall, it was a few days after the supposed release of A Hero's Tail before anyone put up a review or the game even appeared in shops.
#4 Neal 20:48:21 19/10/2005
I saw reviews days before, I checked every single day, and I got my game guide a week before the release and the game two days after the release!
#5 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 21:46:43 19/10/2005
See... two days. smilie
#6 Neal 23:13:35 19/10/2005
But it was out days before the scheduled release...I called my local Target to make sure! I just had to wait for my ride to go get it!


#7 Neal 18:26:56 22/10/2005
Bad News ~ I hear Spyro: SL was bad, really really bad!

Why? Well the developers allow you to visit areas before you have the ability to escape from them, meaning you can go in a canyon before you get the ability to climb out of it...meaning you have to reset the game or erase the entire saved file to escape! The game plays even slower than those videos show, it is hardly an RPG, you kill the enemies the same way you did in all the other Spyro games...with one blow, but now they give you level points so it is barely different than the other games! The framerate drops and the story isn't even described in a cinematic, you find out as you go along and have to piece it all together, there is no place with the whole story together at once!

People who have bought it are calling it worse than ETD, I hoped It wouldn't come to this!

Thanks, AE, for finally burying Spyro...since you couldn't possibly spend the time making a decent game!



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