
Xbox 360

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Thumbstick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Left Bumper and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Left Bumper and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

PlayStation 2 / PlayStation 3

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold L1 and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold L1 and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold R1 and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold R1 and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up


All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Z and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Z and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Z and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold + and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

All Elemental Upgrades refills your Health and Mana bars and gives you all of the elemental abilities without the need to upgrade them using XP. It also gives you all the armour in the game.

Unlimited Life simply holds your life bar at its current level and creatures can no longer damage you.

Unlimited Mana holds your mana bar at its current level and you no longer drain it when using an elemental attack.

Maximum XP gives both characters all the experience they can get, you will then need to use it to fill up the elements yourself.

To disable a cheat simply re-enter it. The exception is Maximum XP which cannot be reversed.

#105 DarkCynder X 15:27:07 11/05/2010
I have a question...How do you put Spyro,Cynder,Sparx and Ignitus faces in comments?
#104 GamingMaster_76 09:28:47 17/04/2010
If they don't work but you're 100% sure you're entering them right you aren't entering them fast enough. Enter them as fast as you can and if they still don't work call customer service.
#103 Volteer_rocks 06:03:32 21/03/2010
Thx heaps 4 da cheats!!!!
#102 Crash_Bandicoot 11:58:44 19/03/2010
Oops, don't worry. I was looking at the XBOX360.
#101 Crash_Bandicoot 11:54:59 19/03/2010
I'm confused... Whats a bumper?
#100 Tufu911 20:15:58 09/03/2010
As my thought the minute u start cheating... u can never beat the game yourself.
#99 Cynders sister 23:57:51 06/03/2010
THX sooooooooo much!!!! Now that I used the cheats I have finally killed malefor. thx again!!!!!!!! smilie
#98 Klhoe 19:00:18 25/02/2010
But you used the analog stick ??
#97 GamingMaster_76 04:45:45 20/02/2010
the 360 cheats wn't work for me... smilie
#96 Blackness 11:34:22 13/02/2010
I saw this one Sharon_Spirit, it's awesome, but I'm searching where I placed it smilie
#95 fear cynder 17:07:03 23/01/2010
these cheats r awsome! i've completed the game twice, once without the cheats, the other with them. th8nx dark52! smilie smilie smilie
#94 Volteer_rocks 09:29:02 20/01/2010
Thanks heaps!!!
#93 Sharon_Spirit 17:41:40 21/12/2009
Anyone will asnwer my question??
#92 Sharon_Spirit 20:43:49 03/12/2009
Uhm...dark52, did you seied the code of the imperial dragon in the DotD??
I seied some people in my school what have it, but they forgot the code...
#91 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 01:18:21 03/12/2009
The cheats can be quite temperamental, the general advice is to:

Make sure you're using the correct input: the Wii uses the Analog Stick on the nunchuck.
Return to the centre of the analog stick after each direction, don't drag it around the edge to go from one direction to the next.
There's no notification so you may well have triggered it without realising. Check after each try by unpausing and then test it out.
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