Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Developed by previously unknown (and since) companies Equinoxe/Check Six, this game, it's safe to say, was rubbish. Easily the worst Spyro game ever created. Though I might as well have this section despite that.

Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly
North America Nov 5th 2002 European Union Nov 29th 2002
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube
Equinoxe / Check Six 3+ E - Everyone

There's very little to the story of this game. Basically they're still celebrating the Year of the Dragon festival, but now it's time to give the baby dragons their dragonflies. However Ripto shows up, mucks up a spell and loses all of the dragonflies all over the realm. Even Sparx. It's up to Spyro to save the day again.

#225 IcySpyro 23:12:33 22/07/2007
I've got that game for christmas.
#224 Pyro girl 13:19:31 21/07/2007
It's from the pigs that you rescue when they wave to you. Wonder why they made them sound like the Professor? Maybe they were just too lazy...
#223 PeanutBoy2 03:18:19 16/07/2007
sorry, i mean in Luau Island. sorry.
#222 PeanutBoy2 03:17:17 16/07/2007
Spyro Phenomenon: in Cloud 9 you hear what sounds like the professor saying "ah-ha!". you never find him in the level. simply a fluke, or was it put on the game to drive us nuts?
#221 Spyrodude25 16:56:02 15/07/2007
I just beat that game 100% last night Ripto is so easy!!
#220 Pyro girl 12:03:32 07/07/2007
Doesn't that mess up your game? Not that it's not messed up all ready.
#219 Cynder 1500 23:20:53 05/07/2007
I've found that if you charge at the center of a locked gate, then push for a moment, you'll charge right through. To get out, do the same thing to the other side.
#218 NATHAN SCHUCH 19:50:33 02/07/2007
I like learnig the dragon flys name
#217 Spyrodude25 16:28:11 02/07/2007
The edge of the corner closest to your destinaition Random.
#216 RANDOM 03:49:43 01/07/2007
im having some trouble with cloud 9, i've wasted nearly all my lives trying to jumb this ledge to the last laser beam thing. and i can't do it. you kill the clouds that are in the pool, swim up and then there is the ledge you jump across! what point am i supposed to jump from?
#215 game geek 15:13:33 29/06/2007
yeah that seems like a funny glitch...too bad my disk broke =-(
#214 Cinderneo 18:39:30 20/06/2007
HAHAHa that must be some funny glitch! HAHHAA
#213 spyrofanatic152 01:51:25 16/06/2007
i know, his butt flies so high up you cant see his head.
#212 peanutboy2 18:21:00 13/06/2007
its an awesome glitch, but when you first get into it, it looks like spyro is about to fart or strain or something..... LOL
#211 Pyro girl 15:50:44 13/06/2007
To lucknumber17:

Cool. I'll try it that way.

You can also swim in air by headbashing into the water and then headbashing onto the very edge of the island and then you'll start swimming in air.
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