Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Developed by previously unknown (and since) companies Equinoxe/Check Six, this game, it's safe to say, was rubbish. Easily the worst Spyro game ever created. Though I might as well have this section despite that.

Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly
North America Nov 5th 2002 European Union Nov 29th 2002
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube
Equinoxe / Check Six 3+ E - Everyone

There's very little to the story of this game. Basically they're still celebrating the Year of the Dragon festival, but now it's time to give the baby dragons their dragonflies. However Ripto shows up, mucks up a spell and loses all of the dragonflies all over the realm. Even Sparx. It's up to Spyro to save the day again.

#180 hunter 14:20:58 19/02/2007
This game is apart of origional trilogy not on it's own.
#179 Carmelita Fox 16:51:58 15/02/2007
Man no wonder this game is called "cheesey"! Theres olny one world and ONE boss!
#178 Danjcb 20:01:02 11/02/2007
I know I was dissapointed aswell!

#177 King_skarl_ 07:27:10 11/02/2007
This spyro game real bad. to glitchy and stuff and it froze alot
#176 Danjcb 22:26:56 10/02/2007
Spyroliker999 no offence but what on earth is the point on posting about a game you don't have!!??

#175 spyroandsparx 01:28:48 31/01/2007
Good for u.
#174 spyroliker999 20:46:11 29/01/2007
i've never played it.
#173 Miyuki 00:13:49 12/01/2007
yea i think so too.
#172 spyro rawks 19:18:46 09/01/2007
wow spyro looks better on tha english one!
#171 Miyuki 17:15:11 07/01/2007
yeah it was =]
#170 Lover of Spyro 09:16:05 01/01/2007
cool glitch!
#169 Miyuki 04:03:50 31/12/2006
yeah i love that! ok ok listen to this other glitch i found!! ok so i was playing my new gtg becasue my other one broke...anyways in aquaria towers, in one part of it - well you know how the water has texture to it, like ripples? well they didnt show up in one part, so the water was completely clear. its pretty cool i took another video and pictures. im going to upload this stuff and my photobucket, and i can give you the link. i know its not that exciting but it is for me haha
#168 Lover of Spyro 09:32:45 29/12/2006
i watched them the other day!i typed in "spyro glitches" and it came up with cool glitches!
#167 Miyuki 15:34:38 25/12/2006
hmmm...they have videos of glitches and tricks for spyro on there (and crash). i saw the one from spyro 1 in haunted towers when you do that crazy thing with the supercharge to get to the upper levels of the haunted towers.
#166 spyroandsparx 23:01:09 24/12/2006
Yeah,those are just videos from IGN
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