Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Developed by previously unknown (and since) companies Equinoxe/Check Six, this game, it's safe to say, was rubbish. Easily the worst Spyro game ever created. Though I might as well have this section despite that.

Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly Spyro: Enter the DragonflySpyro: Enter the Dragonfly
North America Nov 5th 2002 European Union Nov 29th 2002
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube
Equinoxe / Check Six 3+ E - Everyone

There's very little to the story of this game. Basically they're still celebrating the Year of the Dragon festival, but now it's time to give the baby dragons their dragonflies. However Ripto shows up, mucks up a spell and loses all of the dragonflies all over the realm. Even Sparx. It's up to Spyro to save the day again.

#1320 Purple 00:55:40 15/11/2011
um i certainly dont have platinum.
#1319 foxishsolitude 07:56:31 14/11/2011
the platinum one is like.. the same cover but grey and they fixed the glitches. im prettttttty sure
#1318 Purple 04:32:34 13/11/2011
i did that too! it helped alot because i thought i couldnt get into a level but i really could. what gate did you do it on? mine was the ice gate i think.
#1317 dark-crystal 22:43:04 12/11/2011
this game glitches allot!! is amazing how much it does, I got into a gate without having the breath power by running into it, pretttty funny
#1316 Purple 02:39:37 12/11/2011
maybe later when i do my SPYRO MARATHON! im in middle school so im gonna have to wait till summer break!
#1315 Purple n Spyro 16:42:50 11/11/2011
If you wanna know, ask me. smilie
#1314 Purple 02:04:54 11/11/2011
i never even understood how you do the swimming in air glitch. lucky for me i guess......

smilie rules!!!!!
#1313 Purple n Spyro 00:32:56 10/11/2011
Just don't do the swimming in air glitch, and your fine. smilie
#1312 spyrorules1298 08:11:55 09/11/2011
i beaten this game i had this game for a long time for gamecube
#1311 Purple 02:24:28 09/11/2011
platinum???? ive only heard of the greatest hits versions........
#1310 foxishsolitude 07:47:30 08/11/2011
but i mean the "platinum" version that doesnt have glitches... or does the platinum one have glitches too..??
#1309 Purple 02:16:28 08/11/2011
WOW. pig paradise really is downhill......
#1308 Dragon-year 02:04:31 08/11/2011
I agree, it stinks. It always glitches in the island porky the pig blah level and kills me.
#1307 StevemacQ 23:01:14 07/11/2011

Save your money for a better game. Enter the Dragonfly is not worth it.
#1306 foxishsolitude 06:32:31 07/11/2011
should i get this game or what??
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