Spyro: Adventure

Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs


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Spyro: Adventure

Spyro: Adventure

This game is set in a isometric world which basically a 3D world and will require you to be able to control the characters with skill if you are going to be successful in beating this game.

Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs Spyro Adventure
North America Oct 28th 2003 European Union Nov 14th 2003


Spyro's Controls
STARTPause Menu
SELECTSwitch Breath Type
L+RShow a map of the area
L+AUses Phoenix Glasses
L+STARTOpen Journal
Sgt Byrd's Controls
ATap repeatedly to fly
BPrimary Guns
RDrop Missile
LDrop Missile
Agent 9's Controls
BFire Gun
RUse grappling device
LHold to look around

Gem Locations

This Spyro game is no different from any previous version as they still are hiding the gems away in all the same places. For those who have yet to experience a Spyro game before, here are the types of locations that gems will be hidden in:

Gem Most of the gems you'll see will be found lying around, waiting for you to come and pick them up. Sparx can do most of the dirty work here.
Basket You'll also find plenty of these baskets strewn around, they're vulnerable to both your flame and charge attacks.
Vase Similar to the basket, but you can't open them with your flame, instead you will need to charge into these, though only requiring a small tap.
Banner Ripto's Banners can be found on walls around the Dragon World, flame them to get the gems that somehow are hiding inside.
Locked Chest There are four different coloured locked chests; Gold, Purple, Green and Red. You'll require two halves of the same coloured key in order to open them, and they can contain either gems or an item that you may be looking to collect.
Rhynoc And as with almost all of the previous games, you'll get gems from killing your enemies, the Rhynocs, though only the for the first kill, the rest of the time they'll drop nothing.

Starting/Saving/Loading a Game

To start a new game you'll have to go to the initial main menu when you start the game up, select Start New Game and then select one of the three spots for your save. Remember which one this is as you'll need to load the game from it. Saving a game is as easy as pausing and selecting Save Game.


The game has only three options for you to alter:
Music: On/Off - turns the music on or off
Sound FX: On/Off - turns the game sounds (such as your fire breath) on or off
Speech FX: On/Off - turns the squeaking known as speech on or off

Byrd Rescue

This option has three different types of missions for you to do. Head to Head where you compete against another player, Cooperative where you work together and Single Player where you work by yourself, and isn't a multiplayer game. These will only become playable after you complete the game so you may have to wait a while before you can start playing these. To play them you will need two GBAs and a link cable.

#225 Spyro LoverGirl 12:15:46 09/10/2010
so this game is for ps 1,2 and 3 as well
#224 spyrogm451 20:12:20 08/10/2010
brill game wish it had a better image like on ps1/2/3 or wii though
#223 Spyro LoverGirl 08:14:37 02/10/2010
wonder why they can't make this game for ps 2 and 1
#222 Lila-the-dragon 16:04:31 04/09/2010
1 of 3 of the spyro games i dont have/ played
#221 lord spyro 01:08:44 19/07/2010
this is the only spyro i dont have
#220 SpyroFusionGBA 12:14:01 08/07/2010
i beated this game twice/2 times =D
its soooooo coooool!!!!!!! wait... its not sooo cool but SSSSSSSOOOOOO AAAAAAWWSSSSSOOOMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!
#219 crashpro 08:21:10 07/07/2010

Spyro the Dragon 72-Hour Marathon. Almost every game will be played in the course of 72-hours. Please attend this Thursday-Sunday. It starts at 12:00PM Central Standard Time. We're trying to raise money for The Children's Miracle Network. Google them for more information about them. All money donated will go to Children's Miracle Network, and only the Children's Miracle Network. We will not take any money from the donations. We have raffle prizes for every game played.

We will have a live voice commentator and text chat for fans to talk amongst each other. A simple way to have fun!
#218 neoyosh 13:15:34 21/06/2010
I loved this game but my bro wont let me go in it!!!
#217 Spyros_fan 17:42:50 06/06/2010
Sheesh... why did they have to change the name? (for America and Europe)
smilie it gets hard to remember...
#216 blueicefox54 13:46:19 02/06/2010
@ SpyroCrazzie
all GameBoy Advance games will and should easily fit into the GBA slot of the Nintendo DS and the DS Lite and should work correctly unless u bought a used GBA Cartirage that busted.
#215 blueicefox54 17:44:29 01/06/2010
THIS IS LITTERLY THE ONLY SPYRO GAME I DON'T HAVE!!!! so can't give any "constructive" critiquing BUT!! ALL I KNOW IS THAT I WANT IT SOOOO BADLY!!!
#214 SpyroDawn26 17:16:15 01/05/2010
I dont have this game yet,looks good may buy it soon off of Amazon
#213 GamingMaster_76 07:31:50 21/04/2010
For anyone wondering it is a very good game! But I like Season of Flame better smilie
#212 ashleigh 11:16:43 20/04/2010
I havent got this game yet I have to get it off ebay now
#211 GamingMaster_76 07:15:59 14/04/2010
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