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7:37 PM - Thursday the 1st of March, 2012 - by dark52
Early last year I mentioned that I was planning on adding in new limits to guestbook sizes and the number of Private Messages you can store, these will finally start to go into effect from April 1st. Here are the details:

Guestbooks will have a maximum number of posts, that number will be 500. This limit will function simply by new posts pushing out old ones when your guestbook reaches the maximum, there is no micro management required. Of course you will still be able to delete individual messages as well as wipe out the entire lot in one go if you want to.

The Private Messaging function will too be given a new limit, you will be able to store up to 500 PMs in your inbox and you will only be able to see your last 100 sent messages. If your inbox is full you will stop receiving new PMs until you reduce the number to below the limit again. A counter will appear in your inbox from today but the actual restrictions will not take effect until April 1st, meaning that for the moment you can still use the PM system as normal even if you are way over 500.

To help manage this a new feature for PMs goes live today that lets you "bookmark" a message which will then be viewable in the Bookmarks folder, these messages will still count towards your inbox limit but are protected from accidental deletion. To delete a bookmarked message you must first unbookmark it. This feature can also be used to protect individual sent messages from being removed, again these saved messages will still count as part of your 100 limit but will not be automatically deleted like the other sent messages. There is also a new delete button that can clear out your entire inbox (except bookmarked messages).

If you are at or above the 500 PM limit on April 1st you will simply be unable to receive new messages, but if you are still above it on the 1st of May your inbox will be reduced to the newest 500 messages. Sent messages will be truncated on April 1st. The process will of course take into account any bookmarks you've made when doing so.
#1 CAV 20:34:25 01/03/2012
This seems like a swell idea, but I can't help but feel like 500 PM messages being the maximum is a bit too small.

Maybe it's just me getting a bunch of PMs on a regular basis, but I find it rather inconvenient to have to delete pages full of PMs every other day just to avoid hitting 500.
#2 Spyroconvexity - Hunter 20:48:57 01/03/2012
I just read it and I think it's a good idea.But 500 for public posts is too little.
#3 wanderist 22:34:44 01/03/2012
I think the 500 limit is fine, but that's probably because I don't talk to as many people and won't hit 500 as fast.

I love the new PM features. Now I can actually get rid of the 365+ pages of PMs that I still have since I was a red sparx. Thanks dark!
#4 Espiodudeful7 04:15:55 02/03/2012
I'm not a fan of the new guest book rule
#5 matesds 15:03:45 02/03/2012
Will a feature of backing it all up for a download to a zip and then wipe also available? Would like to know and have that....
#6 Ice Dragoness 21:38:17 04/03/2012
I'm not to bothered about the guestbook thing.

But I think 500pm limit is too small.
#7 Purple n Spyro 23:41:34 04/03/2012
The Guestbook one bugs me.

#8 wanderist 01:49:14 05/03/2012
The day these limits come into affect is also April Fool's Day.... Dark, should I be concerned?
#9 VespiDragon8 03:44:41 06/03/2012
Excellent work dark52.
Quote: CAV
This seems like a swell idea, but I can't help but feel like 500 PM messages being the maximum is a bit too small.

Maybe it's just me getting a bunch of PMs on a regular basis, but I find it rather inconvenient to have to delete pages full of PMs every other day just to avoid hitting 500.

I think this is as or perhaps more later dark52 increase the storage capacity of the messaging and is related to it.
#10 CynderGirl13 20:35:39 13/03/2012
i had 15326/500 - 15326% for my messages smilie than again i've been here for you years and i used to be on every hour of the day but not anymore lol smilie
#11 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 00:42:41 26/03/2012
1 week left.
#12 Spyroboy 19:54:49 26/03/2012
But Sire, why?
#13 Forgotten World 21:28:13 29/03/2012
I know what it's going to be, but I'm not going to tell anyone.
#14 Stealth Elf 32 02:04:09 31/03/2012
So, pming people when it should take effect?
#15 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 12:22:27 31/03/2012
It takes effect some time tomorrow.
#16 Forgotten World 19:13:55 03/04/2012
Well that was kinda unexpected.
#17 Stealth Elf 32 20:51:19 20/05/2012
Why must it be that way?

Anyways, congrats. smilie
#18 spyro and sonic 21:16:16 10/06/2012
Quote: Camo100
Hey,I just got an acount here so....... ya i love skylanders to death i have 12 of them smilie

Quote: Camo100
Sup my peeps, summers almost here i [love] this smilie website :.D

Quote: Camo100
i smilie love smilie skylanders smilie[User Posted Image]

Allow me to explain the rules you have just broken. 1) these posts are off topic 2)You posted 3 times in a row. Don't do it again if you want to stay on this site.

on topic: The limits aren't much of a problem for me as I don't use the gb or pm really often.
#19 DarkCynd3r 20:26:41 02/07/2012
I get very few comments, I think its okay personally.

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